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How to Start A Virtual Book Club: A Q&A with the Founders of the Letter Writers Alliance

Let's talk about book clubs. If you're like me, an introverted former English student, you may have an aversion to book clubs because they still feel too much like class, except they have wine. And what if you'd just rather be at home in your pajamas?

Never fear! In comes the Letter Writers Alliance, a worldwide organization of letter writers that hosts broadcasted 'online socials' so people all over can write letters together. Kathy Zadrozny and Donovan Beeson started this club in 2007, but this year, they're finally diving into running a mail-themed virtual book club. Their first pick is 84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff. I wanted to find out more about the way a virtual book club can run – what does it have that a physical book club doesn't? How do you discuss the book? And most importantly, what do you eat? So here are some questions answered by Kathy & Donovan.

Posted by Jessica Lewis

Super Author Birthday Fun Action Squad: APRIL!


Posted by Rick Chillot

How-To Tuesday: DIY Quotable Frames

Whether it happened in your freshman year of high school or last week while you were waiting in the dentist’s office, when it happens, you just know. That moment you realize that after spending all of this time to time together, that this is the one. The one you’ll carry throughout your life, that will stand by you and help you define every major moment to come. This is the quote that will define who you are.

When you find that perfect quote while reading your newest favorite book, something magical happens, and if you’re lucky, it happens over and over again. So for the many quotes that have inspired you throughout the years, give them a place of honor: place them on the pretty frame that holds a photo of the one you love. Follow this simple tutorial, and you can make these fabulous, quotable frames.

Posted by Lauren Gordon

Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Inspiring Quotes for Book Lovers

In this week’s Top 10 Tuesday, hosted by Broke & the Bookish, we’re supposed to share inspiring quotations from books. Which I could do, but I’m not going to. Instead, I have ten inspiring books for book lovers because sometimes we need a little reading encouragement.

Posted by Maria Vicente

Writers Give Us 18 Reasons Why Coffee Is the Greatest Drink Since Alcohol

Most of couldn't face a morning–or afternoon, for that matter–without a cup of liquid energy to keep us going. Did your favorite writer feel the same way? Here are some great coffee quotes from famous authors.

Posted by Natasha Brandstatter

Bookish Events in New York City: April 6th–April 12th

image via flickr

It’s officially spring here in New York City. The temperatures are rising, the flowers are blooming, and the bookish events are multiplying. This week begins and ends with events featuring both literature and live music. There are opportunities to hear personal stories, including a celebration of the bike messenger. You can also relive the glory of Clarissa Explains It All and bust out your finest 90s couture at Housing Works Bookstore Café. Make sure to tweet and tell us which events you are checking out this week!

Posted by Jennifer Morell