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August 2015 Book Giveaways

This month, you can win advance reader copies of our BIGGEST books going on sale later this fall, plus the latest installment of William Shakespeare's Star Wars,Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge. These are the giveaways you were looking for. 

Check out where you can request copies below. Giveaways will run until September 1. May Fortune smile upon you! 

Posted by Julie Leung

The Quirk Corral: Direwolves and Near-Divorces

Yeah, it’s Monday. Lucky for you, we've rounded up all our favorite bookish, geeky, and crafty news from the Internet to help you start your week. Whether you are a diehard Reading Rainbow fan or looking to whip up some seriously crazy looking pancakes, we’ve got you covered each week. 

Posted by Jennifer Morell

The Best Songs for the Worst Literary Breakups

Breakups can be the pit stains on the t-shirt of life, this we know. But for each heartache and heartbreak, there’s always solace to be found in a song that captures exactly how it feels to be kicked in the emotions. It’s the song that you play on repeat, belt out at karaoke after too many drinks, and feel each individual lyric like it was the truest thing ever said about love. So whether it’s your first (thank you, Usher) or your latest (thank you, Gotye), a cathartic break-up song now and again does wonders for the bruised of heart.

So we had to wonder…what are the perfect break-up songs for some of the more iconic romantic tragedies in literature? What should Heathcliff listen to as he weeps into his half-gallon of Breyer’s Heath Bar Ice Cream? (Because really, what other ice cream flavor would Heathcliff buy?)

Posted by Julie Leung

Clue: The Literary Edition

We at Quirk love a good board game almost as much as we love a good book. (Okay, maybe not quite as much as a good book.) So naturally, why can't we have both? Each month, we're going to reimagine a classic board game with a literary twist. First up, Clue!

Ah detective, you're here, excellent! The seminar, Life As A Fictional Character, taught by John Body at J.K. Rowling’s secret mansion has been interrupted by a ruckus. Which is to say…a murder! We need you to use your world famous detective skills and search the six rooms for clues to solve the mystery of who…where…and with what?   

Welcome to Literary Clue where the police have six possible suspects detained for questioning!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

The Camp Plot-a-Wanna Store, Plus Giveaway!

At Camp Plot-a-Wanna, we want our campers to represent this esteemed institution with pride and dignity, guts and gumption. When one puts on a Plot-a-wanna t-shirt, he or she is not just a camper wearing a t-shirt. NAY, they are a warrior for canonical literature. They are soliders in a metaphorical battlefield littered with the bodies of bad metaphors. So check out the Camp Plot-a-Wanna Camp Store today for your camp gear needs! With our emblem emblazoned across your shirt, notebook, tote bag or mug, run-on sentences will stop dead in their tracks, and no writer's block will go unchopped.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Quirk Comics Club: July Recommendations

The gang at Quirk have been congregating for a monthly comic book club. Check out some of our favorite finds and recommendations from our July meet-up(s):

Posted by Quirk Books Staff