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10 Music Videos Pulled Straight Out Of Literature

Songs that reference literature are nothing new. Even if you’re not a fan (as I am) of Jefferson Airplane’s “White Rabbit” or didn’t realize that David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs was intended to be a 1984 musical, you’ve probably heard some type of music that drew inspiration from books. (And yes, Taylor Swift’s “Love Story”—grudgingly—counts.)

But when musicians go one step further and reference these works in their music videos, that’s when things get really interesting. So here are ten videos that are among the most thought-provoking, spot-on, or just very wacky.

[Not included were music videos that reference the Bible (because hoo boy is that a whole other can of worms) or, despite our deep and abiding love for all things Harry Potter, any wizard wrock.]

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

A Killer Playlist for Patrick Bateman

He specializes in murders and executions—that is, mergers and acquisitions. His suits are as sharp as his knives and his business cards are better than yours. He dabbles in cocaine and prostitutes. He is Patrick Bateman, our favorite American Psycho. We know he has a soft spot for ‘80s pop, but let’s take a deeper dive into his playlist.


Posted by Margarita Montimore

Quirky Books In History: Why Are These Knights Battling Snails?

Medieval manuscripts are known for their beautiful illumination, aka the imaginative and colorful illustrations inside letters or in the margins. But have you ever taken a closer look at what these illustrations actually depict? There can be some bizarre-looking stuff happening in these pages. This ain't your typcial Renaissance Faire fare: 

Posted by E.H. Kern

Happy Frankenstein Day!

This Sunday, August 30, is Frankenstein Day…and the birthday of the beloved monster's creator, Mary Shelley. What better way to celebrate than to create your own monster? Here's how Shelley did it…good luck!

Infographic created for Quirk Books by Michael Rogalski, eyewashweb.com.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

5 Fictional Characters Who Laugh In the Face of Guinness World Records

On August 27, 1955 the very first edition of The Guinness Book of Records was released. Since then it has become a source of awe and curiosity, and certainly a few cringes. We all remember the annual school book fair in middle school that always had at least a few copies circulating with groups of kids huddled around, everyone pointing and talking over each other. You were out of luck if you hadn’t been given enough money to buy a copy because it was always checked out at the library—which got us thinking about some fictional characters and the Guinness Records they’d probably hold.

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Matching A Book By Its Cover: A Visual Exercise

Some book covers beg to be stacked side-by-side. Like a Mariah Carey song, they belong together. Regardless of story or content, these covers complement each other so well visually, they should go on a date, get book-married, and have sequels. 

This, my friends, is a book cover matchmaking, and here’s some of our favorites:

Posted by Tara Sim