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How Katniss Everdeen Would Do in Other Dystopias

As Katniss Everdeen hits the big screen for a final time, here at Quirk, we wondered how the Girl On Fire might fare in other dystopian settings. (Spoilers ahead!)

Posted by Hannah Frank

8 Comic Book Characters Who Are Also Thanksgiving Food

It is that time of year again where overeating is not only socially acceptable but encouraged. The food is the most delicious during the annual feast season. Though Americans love the holiday season as both a time to catch up with family as well as a time to gorge ourselves on fattening foods, it could be a total terror for some of the characters of the comic book world. Imagine how horrible Thanksgiving would be if you might end up on the wrong side of the fork.   

Posted by David Winnick

The Making Dough Challenge

It’s a no-brainer: dough recipe book release + holiday season = bake-off celebration! Russell van Kraayenburg’s Making Dough is all about demystifying baking. It claims that you can master all different kinds of pastry doughs if you know the ratios between five ingredients—flour, butter, water, sugar, and eggs.

Ten intrepid food bloggers have agreed to put Russell’s claim to the test, by taking up the mantle of the #MakingDough Challenge. We’ve given five bloggers the book’s biscuit dough recipe, and the pie dough recipe to five more. Their challenge: to take that dough recipe and make a pie/biscuits of their own.

Follow along for some holiday baking inspiration.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

A Round-up of Tools To Help You Finish Your #NaNoWriMo Novel

When November and #NaNoWriMo begins, there is no shortage of great ideas, inspiration, and motivation. You sit down at the computer convinced that by the time December rolls around, you’ll have easily surpassed 50,000 words.

Posted by Rose Moore

Bookish DIY Gifts: A Cozy Cowl for the Well-Read

Winter’s chill is fast approaching, and with it the season of gift giving and curling up by the fire with a beloved leather-bound book… or at least wrapping yourself in a fleece blanket and huddling beside the radiator. But what happens when you have to venture outside?

Help is on the way in the form of this cozy fleece cowl that’s incredibly easy to make for yourself or to give as a gift.  It’s such a simple design you can even make it with scraps!  Here’s how.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Vote the Quirk Party in the Final Round of the Goodreads Choice Awards!

The FINAL round of voting for the Goodreads Choice Awards 2015 is happening and two Quirky titles need your support! Everything gets tallied on November 23rd, so get those votes in! 

Posted by Julie Leung