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Four Low-Key Quirky Challenges for Leap Day

Leap day isn’t officially a holiday, but it totally should be. It only comes every four years, and it keeps the calendar on-track—sets things right. It would be a shame for a day that comes every four years to be ordinary.

But what do you do when Leap Day falls on a Monday, a day you’re usually half out of it and just falling back into your routine?

Posted by Eve Legato

Write Like You’re Out of Time! Productivity Advice from Alexander Hamilton and Company

Are there a million things you haven’t done? You’re not alone.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

The Literary Roles of Chris Rock

Chris Rock is hosting a pretty bookish Oscars: "18 of the 57 movies have bookish origins.” This, along with his ability to make us laugh, got us wondering about his literary roles. (Oh, and it also inspired us to tinker with the Oscars’ promo poster. You’re welcome, Oscars.)

As a comedian who has written and starred in his own movies (Top Five, I Think I Love My Wife) we wondered if Chris Rock would even have any literary roles? If so, would they be many, MANY, like Chloë Moretz? Or a handful like Christian Bale? As we continued to speculate the one thing we could agree on was that the majority of his roles would be funny characters, even if the movie wasn’t a comedy.  

Posted by Jamie Canaves

The Best Literary Funko Figurines: A Round-up

Tailia The Book Addict image via Tumblr

We believe there are certain things you never age out. Like toys, for example. And thanks to the collectible craze known as Funko dolls, we don't have to! Our favorite of course are the bookish kind, so here's a round-up of our favorites. 

Posted by Jamie Canaves

For Your Consideration: More Oscar-Baiting Roles for Leonardo DiCaprio

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Oh, Leo. Always the Oscar nominee and never the Oscar winner. We have our fingers crossed for you this year. But just in case, we also have some literary roles that you should play that could also score you that coveted golden statue in the future.

Posted by Sarah Fox

What’s in a Name: 5 Aptronyms in Pop Culture

Do our given names affect who we become? Take into consideration, athlete Usain Bolt or music industry's Bob Rock. This coincidence when a name matches a trait or job is known as an aptronym. A simple look at pop culture will show many characters whose destinies are written in their names.

Posted by David Winnick