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8 Hidden Easter Eggs in The Tragedy of The Sith’s Revenge

Happy Easter! Since we all know one of the best things to do on Easter is find Easter eggs, here are a few you can find in William Shakespeare’s Revenge of the Sith:

Posted by Ian Doescher

The League of the Coolest Female Villains

Here at Quirk, we recently provided you with our favorite team of Ultimate Female Super Heroes in comic books. However, while it’s true that this team kicks absolute and total ass, heroes are nothing without their other half— the villains. So, next up is a look at the greatest female villains in comic books, and we’ve put together a squad that will rival that of our ultimate super women.

Like our Ultimate Female Super Heroes, each and every female villain chosen came from a different comic book publisher. If any of you thought that our hero team was full of some bad-ass ladies, this next group could bring the world to its knees.

Posted by David Winnick

Other Resurrections in Literature Besides Jesus

(Okay, but we definitely included some allegorical Jesus)

In this season of Easter, a.k.a. Resurrection Appreciation Day, we think there’s a topic applicable to bookish fans of all faiths: the best resurrections in literature.  

Posted by Eve Legato

The Ultimate Fleet of Star Trek’s Women

Too often, Star Trek fans tend to focus on the amazing male friendships amongst Starfleet officers (Kirk and Spock, Data and Geordie, Picard and Number One, O’Brien and Bashir.)  Yet Starfleet has produced some amazing female friendships and enviably strong and accomplished women.  The perfect squad contains women with skills, talents and the ability to get things done.  The women of Starfleet may span several centuries, species and areas of expertise, but their common talents are their courage, competence and dedication to their continuing mission to explore strange new worlds – and boldly go where no one has gone before.

Posted by Nick Beard

3 Literary Easter Egg Wrap Printables

We've got our competitive Easter bonnets on, baskets in hand, waiting to get our egg hunt on! To make your Easter eggs extra literary, here are some printable egg wraps!

Posted by Jamie Canaves

Book Recommendations for The Characters of Hamilton

By now, we all know the characters in Hamilton were voracious readers. But what would Alexander Hamilton and company be reading if they were still alive today? We came up with a few recommendations.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman