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Quirk Corral: Rocking Mirrors and Bookish Metallica Songs

[Photo Credit: Design Sponge]

Have you been suffering from a lack of links in your life? We’re here to rescue you from the doldrums of the internet with the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links we could find. Rejoice in the news that you should definitely be stuffing your face with chocolate while you read! Adorn your home with DIY gemstones! Turn yourself into a Powerpuff Girl!

Posted by Jennifer Morell

April Quirk Perk: Who’s on First?

Who's on First? by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, illustrated by John Martz

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBook | Google Play | Kobo

Posted by Julie Leung

A Dream Cast for The League of Regrettable Superheroes

The recent surge of movies and shows based on superheroes seems nowhere near running out of steam. And sure, seeing comic book icons come to life on the silver screen is cool and all, but what about everyone the zeitgeist sort of forgot? What about a movie for The League of Regrettable Superheroes? Oh look, and we already took care of the casting…

Posted by Jamie Canaves

April Quirk Perk: Geek Wisdom

Geek Wisdom by Stephen H. Segal only $3.99

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBook | Google Play | Kobo

Posted by Julie Leung

YA Inspired by Hans Christian Anderson’s Tales

The Statue of Hans Christian Anderson in Odense, Denmark

Hans Christian Andersen is best known for bringing us fairy tales such as “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Little Mermaid,” “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” and “Thumbelina,” among many, many others. His likeness has been memorialized on everything from a Danish postage stamp to statues in cities around the world. To celebrate his 211th birthday, we’ve picked out four young adult novels inspired by his stories.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

The Best Travel Companions in Literature

It's the time of year that every student loves: Spring Break. Before you pack your bags for the trip to Mexico or Florida, we would like to make some recommendations for literary travel companions to take along with you on the journey.

Posted by Sarah Fox