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London Locations: Cursed Child Bucket List

If you're near the West End of London this July, you're probably like, "What's with the long lines outside the Palace Theatre?" That is, until you remember that the Palace Theatre is home to the debut production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.  As London’s answer to the buzz around Hamilton (which has yet to reach the UK), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is sold out until June 2017 – and the next round of tickets are eagerly awaited.

Posted by Nick Beard

Five Delicious Foods Peter Rabbit Could Have Risked His Life For

Beatrix Potter’s birthday is definitely a day worth celebrating. She was such a cool lady—a scientific naturalist as well as a children’s book author—and her drawings were both realistic and expressive.

As kids, Peter Rabbit was a favorite for many of us. But there was always something that bothered us: all that food Peter Rabbit turned down in order to risk his life for lettuces, French beans, and radishes. French beans and radishes! Come on, those aren’t even the good vegetables! They’re not worth risking your life for.

Let's go back through the story and see how many easily accessible food opportunities Peter Rabbit missed.

Posted by Eve Legato

Happy Birthday Herman Melville!

Ernest Hemingway Rewrites Book Summaries

Image by quentincompson49 from Pixabay

Sometimes book summaries are downright lengthy. And who has time for all of that? Like, just give us the necessary details and get on with the actual book.

Hemingway gets it. He's the King of Brevity, the Ruler of Simplicity, the Banisher of Adverbs. His signature terse style is iconic. Instead of hunting lions or seeing a bullfight, which we find to be unethical, we'll have Hemingway do what he does best–give it to us straight. 

Posted by Sarah Fox

Misunderstood Moms of Literature

When Mila Kunis’ character says, “Let’s be bad moms,” in the Bad Moms trailer, she’s not talking neglect-your-kids bad. What she means is, “Let’s stop trying so hard to attain perfection.” Which is totally understandable.

But when you turn the question of “bad”-ness to the moms of literature, there are definitely mother characters for whom bringing doughnut holes to their kid’s event is a level of kindness they’ll never attain. Let’s take a look at those moms who might be considered legit bad…or just misunderstood.

Posted by Eve Legato

A Walk with Hillary

The DNC is here, and with it comes a whole slew of political figures and celebrities and incredible speeches. The woman of the hour? Hillary Rodham Clinton. As luck would have it, Quirk was fortunate enough to get an exclusive with the presidential nominee—in paper doll form. Here’s a recap of Paper Doll Hillary adventuring around Philly.

Posted by Christina Schillaci