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Star Wars Characters React to December Movie Trailers

Han: Tell me again what we’re doing here?

Leia: We agreed to watch some movie trailers for December releases.

Han: What is a movie trailer? What’s December? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Rey: A movie trailer is a short video made to entice you to watch a movie, which is a two-hour story acted out on screen. And December is one Earth-month.

Han: I like this girl.

Finn: She’s all right.

Posted by Lauren Thoman

Quirk E. Cat Advice Column #4: Dog-Ear, Much?

Editor’s Note: In an effort to keep Quirk E. Cat from knocking items off our desks, we have assigned him to Advice Column duty. We apologize in advance.

Posted by Quirk E. Cat

Holiday Gifts for Star Wars characters

A long time ago and in a galaxy far, far away, there's no holiday season. In fact, the only holiday viewers have seen in the Star Wars galaxy has been the Wookiee Celebration of Life Day. Yet seeing as the Skywalker family and the Millennium Falcon crew have saved the galaxy several times, they have certainly earned a gift during our festive season. Since they're far too busy with heroic adventures to deal with the mundane process of shopping for gifts, here are some suggestions to make this group of Rebel Alliance heroes happy for the holidays.

Posted by Nick Beard

Literary References of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: Summer


Like most of you, we’ve been marathoning episodes of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. After nearly a decade away from Rory Gilmore and her voracious reading habits, we were eager to catch up with the residents of Stars Hollow and the books they’ve been devouring.

Mild spoilers ahead! Haven’t finished the series? Head over to Luke’s Diner and stream the rest of the show. We hear he’s giving out his wifi password now.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Jane Austen Missed Connections

This week is Jane Austen’s birthday (she’ll be turning 241, happy birthday, Jane!) and to celebrate, we’re imagining how some of her most beloved characters might make use of one of our more Austenian modern conveniences: the Missed Connections boards on Craigslist. What if, instead of being forced to stoically endure their tumultuous feelings, Jane Austen’s characters were able to empty their hearts out onto the internet? Below we imagine what some of their posts may have looked like.

Posted by Lauren Thoman

Characters Attending Westworld-Style Theme Parks

The main theme park in the new HBO show Westworld is centered around giving wealthy patrons a realistic (yet safe) western-style experience. The park is populated with very lifelike robotic “hosts” that are programmed to do whatever the attendees want.

Here are three characters who always seem strangely calm and collected, no matter what the situation is. So calm and collected it is almost as though they know they’re in a hyper-realistic simulation that cannot have any real world consequences for them.

Posted by Ben Souder