Literature’s Most Scaredy Cat Characters
When it comes to reading, we tend to remember the brave and courageous. But what about the cautious and apprehensive? These fearful individuals are often overlooked by their heroic couterparts. For this spooky holiday season, let's celebrate the scaredy cats in literature!
Ichabod Crane – The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
This classic tale of headless horsemen and flaming pumpkins proves to be too much for our unlikely hero, Ichabod Crane. This lowly schoolmaster is no match for his own fears and superstitions. Terrified of ghosts and the town's legendary horsemen, Ichabod convinces himself of their reality one fateful autumn night. In the end Ichabod is chased out of town by his own paranoia.
Ron Weasley – Harry Potter Series
We can't all be the boy who lived, right? Of the fantastic trio, Ron is definitely the scaredy cat in the group. His main fear is spiders, which is a VERY REAL THING to be afraid of! We understand you, Ron. Arachnophobia is no joke. Ron is also scared of the Forbidden Forest, dementors, and his mum. At least Ron faces his fears throughout the series. We could argue, though, that without his friends Ron would not have overcome his aversions so easily.
Samwell Tarly – Game of Thrones
A self-confessed coward, Samwell is not the bravest character in the Song of Fire and Ice series. Afraid of his own shadow (and his father), Sam is forced to join the Night's Watch. There Sam must confront White Walkers and his biggest fear…women! Little by little Sam overcomes his fears to be a real asset to his friends and comrades. It goes to show this is one scaredy cat that uses his head to overcome his phobias!
Zaphod Beeblebrox – The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Here's a chicken that's out of this world! Zaphod Beeblebrox is the worst type of scaredy cat on this list. He's the narcissistic coward that will abandon his friends when things get rough. His self preservation wins out more than his courage. You would think a man with two heads would have more fortitude. And to think he was elected President of the Galaxy!

Sandra Woolf
Sandra Woolf lives in the PNW where she haunts bookshops and library sales. Freelancer by day, horror movie lover by night. Writing inquires can go to what lovely books at gmail or just to ask her how her hairy is so bouncy.