Literary Characters’ Favorite Charities
For many, the end of the year comes with a sense of increased generosity and goodwill toward those in need, and we imagine literary characters are no different. Below, a few favorites let us know which charities and organizations will be receiving their donations this year, along with why they’ve chosen them.
Character: Beth March, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Charity: Heifer International
“I chose to donate to Heifer because I admire their mission of working to end world hunger through providing struggling communities with livestock and training. I’ve always tried to help the hungry in my own community when I can, but Heifer has a much wider reach. They can bring food to hungry people all the way on the other side of the world! Imagine that!”
Character: Scout Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Charity: Southern Poverty Law Center
“I don’t have a lot of money, but I give what I can to the SPLC. They think it’s important to fight hate and seek justice for vulnerable folks, and I think those things are important, too. All people should be equal, and it ain’t right that some get more rights than others just because of what they look like or where they’re from. My daddy taught me that we should stand up for people who need our help, no matter who they are, and I think this is a good way to do that.”
Character: Guy Montag, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Charity: First Book
“I’ve seen what a world without books looks like, and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. First Book is dedicated to getting books into the hands of children in need, which as far as I’m concerned might as well be all children. We all need books. Books can change the world.”
Character: Bob Cratchit, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Charity: Ronald McDonald House
“My children are the greatest joy in my life. Their pain is my pain, and when one of them is ill, I wish for nothing more than to be by their side at all times until they are better. With a chronically ill child, this can become nearly impossible, but Ronald McDonald House endeavors to allow parents and families to stay together while their children receive the medical care they need. My employer isn’t much on Christmas bonuses, but I will give what I can to RMHC, and say God bless them.”
Character: Mark Watney, The Martian by Andy Weir
Charity: charity: water
“There is no single thing more necessary to human survival than clean water. Well, air, I guess, but fortunately air is free. Unless you are on Mars, in which case, I’m sorry. But if you’re on Earth — which I’m assuming you are — water is priority number one, and charity: water’s mission is to make sure more people have access to it. Plus, their methods involve pretty much zero chance of anyone accidentally blowing themselves up. So, you know, bonus.”

Lauren Thoman
Lauren is a writer of YA speculative fiction and a dedicated eater of queso. She lives in Middle Tennessee with her husband, two daughters, and a half-blind dog. When she’s not busy with her family, binge-watching TV shows, or writing books about dragons or superheroes, she can probably be found on Twitter, or in close proximity to coffee, tacos, or a bookstore.