July Quirk Perk: Night of the Living Trekkies and
We have a double deal for you this month. Not one, but two, of our fantastic books are on sale.
Night of the Living Trekkies by Kevin David Anderson and Sam Stall: $3.99!
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple
This sci-fi/zombie/comedy/adventure follows a group of rag-tag Trekkies getting together for the fifth annual GulfCon (billed as the “largest Starfleet Convention in the western Gulf Coast region”). Our heroes are dressed in homemade uniforms and armed with prop phasers-but soon find themselves defending their hotel and convention center against hordes of flesh-eating undead. Suddenly, all of their useless knowledge about particle physics and old Star Trek episodes has genuine real-world applications! And while hotel employees and regular civilians are dying left and right, our Trekkies summon strength and courage by emulating their favorite starship-voyaging characters. Packed with hundreds of gags referencing Star Trek, Star Wars, comic books, and fan conventions, Night of the Living Trekkies reads like the strange lovechild of Galaxy Quest andDawn of the Dead.
Journey to the final frontier of zombie science-fiction satire! KEVIN DAVID ANDERSON and SAM STALL are lifelong Trekkies. Mr. Anderson lives in California and Mr. Stall lives in Indianapolis.
*This is an original work of parody and is not officially sponsored by, affiliated with, or endorsed by the owners of the Star Trek® brand.
Also for sale is…
Signing their Lives Away by Denise Kiernan and Joseph D’Agnese: $3.99!
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple
In July 1776, fifty-six men risked their lives and livelihood to defy the British and sign the most important document in the history of the United States-and yet how many of them do we actually remember?
Signing Their Lives Away introduces readers to the eclectic group of statesmen, soldiers, criminals, and crackpots who were chosen to sign this historic document-and the many strange fates that awaited them. Some died from war-related injuries; others had their homes and farms seized by British soldiers; a few rose to the highest levels of U.S. government (ten signers were later elected to Congress). George Wythe was murdered by his nephew; Button Gwinnet was killed in a duel; and of course Sam Adams went on to fame and fortune as a patriot/brewer. Complete with a reversible parchment jacket (offering a facsimile of the Declaration on the reverse), Signing Their Lives Away provides an entertaining and enlightening narrative for history buffs of all ages.
Denise Kiernan and Joseph D’Agnese have written for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Village Voice, Wired, Discover, and other national publications. D’Agnese’s work has twice been included in the anthology “Best American Science Writing.” Both are winners of Educational Press Association awards. They live in North Carolina.

Valerie Cole
Valerie Cole is a native Marylander, the proud owner of the world's cutest cocker spaniel, and a sassy cross stitcher. A graduate of both The Art Institute of Philadelphia and Drexel University, her love of storytelling began as an intern in MTV’s animation department. With 7 years of marketing and advertising under her belt, her life goal is to put the perfect book into each person's hands. You can find her tweeting @ValerieColeYA. For marketing inquiries, email her at [email protected].