How-To Tuesday: Baked Chocolate Bananas
End the summer on a solid note with an alternative to regular ol' s'mores. Here's an excerpt from Campfire Cuisine by Robin Donovon!
Baked Chocolate Bananas
S'mores are the ultimate camping dessert, but if you need a break from all that gooey marshmallow, this is a great alternative.
1 banana
1 tablespoon semisweet chocolate chips
1 tablespoon shredded sweetened coconut (optional)
With the banana still in its peel, make an incision lengthwise through the length of the peel and the fruit, leaving the underside of the peel intact. Pull the sides of the banana apart and sprinkle chocolate chips inside. Wrap in aluminum foil and bake over high heat for 10 to 15 minutes, until the fruit is hot and soft and the chocolate is melted. Remove and discard the foil, and sprinkle the coconut over the top, if desired. Serve hot. Serves 1
Baked Bananas with Cinnamon:
Omit the chocolate chips and coconut and instead dot the split banana with 1/2 tablespoon butter cut into small pieces, and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon brown sugar and 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon. Proceed with baking as directed.
Make it at Home
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. Prepare as directed, baking the foil-wrapped bananas for 10 to 15 minutes, until the fruit is hot and soft and the chocolate is melted. Serve with a scoop of coconut ice cream.

Christina Schillaci
Christina is the voice behind Quirk’s social media channels and editor-in-chief of the blog. She graduated from Rowan University with her M.A. in Writing and joined Quirk in 2016. She loves weekend cooking projects, Cape May in the winter, and her dog, Rocket. Say hi on Twitter @quirkbooks or @saychristina!