Hermione’s Muggle Book Recommendations for Wizarding Students
Hermione reads, a lot. At Hogwarts, she devours magical books on the daily. We have to wonder, though, what Hermione read before she discovered she was a witch. More importantly, did she continue reading the works of Muggle authors after she became a student at Hogwarts? If so, we have to believe she opened the eyes of her fellow students—to some extracurricular reading material.
Here are some of Hermione’s book recommendations to the purest of Hogwarts’ students.
Ron Weasley — The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman
Ron’s study habits are abysmal. How many papers has he begged Hermione to write for him? So when it comes to reading—for FUN—Hermione has to take it easy and start Ron off with a killer graphic novel. The Walking Dead graphic novel series is right up his alley, chock full of zombies and gore and awesome fighting scenes.
We think she’d probably toss in a few issues of Highlights, as well. She has to have read her fair share of the magazine, with her parents being dentists and all.
Neville Longbottom – The Ruins by Scott Smith
Neville’s love for plants knows no bounds. Hermione knows this, but she figures he’d also love a thriller. The Ruins incorporates both. Killer vines? Neville would be all over that.
Ginny Weasley – The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Ginny would totally read Sylvia Plath between Divination and Herbology, tucked away in the Room of Requirement for some much needed quiet time.
Draco Malfoy – Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Hermione thinks Malfoy can relate to the kid in Blood Meridian. Both are technically ‘bad people,’ but it’s more circumstantial than anything. Although neither of them may want the role of villain, it’s who they’ve grown to become.
Luna Lovegood–The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy by Sam Maggs
Hermione would love to introduce Luna to the world of conventions, cosplaying, and fanfics. Luna would absolutely die. For a pure-blood new to the fangirl scene, this guide is a must have.
As an added bonus, Hermione would toss in Stargirl, because honestly, in another life Luna probably was Stargirl.
Arthur Weasley – Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion and Margaret Bloy Graham
Mr. Weasley is no stranger to muggle artifacts. Hermione thinks he’d be enthralled with children’s books, especially one featuring a dog that has captivated muggles for fifty years. It was Arthur who asked Harry, “What exactly is the function of a rubber duck?” A book about a dog that hates bath time is right up his alley.
Fred and George Weasley – A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
Fred and George are smart cookies. That’s what makes them excellent pranksters. We’re willing to bet they’d be down for some literary fiction, especially a book that’s as hilarious as this one.
Cho Chang – Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Cho is a classic kind of gal, hands down. Hermione’s got her pinned with a good Jane Austen novel, which is probably worn, dog eared, and highlighted from frequent use.
Lavender Brown – The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Hermione knows Lavender appreciates a good romance—and a good cry. The Fault in Our Stars would wreck her. Tears everywhere.
Do you agree or disagree with Hermione’s recommendations? Know any other Hogwarts pure-bloods who could benefit from a good muggle book? Let us know in the comments or at @QuirkBooks!

Christina Schillaci
Christina is the voice behind Quirk’s social media channels and editor-in-chief of the blog. She graduated from Rowan University with her M.A. in Writing and joined Quirk in 2016. She loves weekend cooking projects, Cape May in the winter, and her dog, Rocket. Say hi on Twitter @quirkbooks or @saychristina!