Four Low-Key Quirky Challenges for Leap Day

Posted by Eve Legato

Leap day isn’t officially a holiday, but it totally should be. It only comes every four years, and it keeps the calendar on-track—sets things right. It would be a shame for a day that comes every four years to be ordinary.

But what do you do when Leap Day falls on a Monday, a day you’re usually half out of it and just falling back into your routine?

Don’t worry. We’ve come up with a way to tweak your routine with just a pinch of quirk so you can leap over the monotony of Mondays. (Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves.)

Your Morning Beverage

Does a coffee jump-start you in the morning? Are you more of a tea person? Either way, we challenge you to start Leap Day by drinking something different. Maybe get that weird frappuccino at Starbucks that you wouldn’t usually spend money on but always secretly wondered how it tastes. Or if you don’t have the budget to buy a drink, spice up your coffee with a little cinnamon, salt, or vanilla.


Your Lunchbreak

Have lunch with someone you haven’t eaten with before. Even if it’s someone you don’t normally talk to. If they turn out to be weird, at least you’ll have a good story.


Your Reading

We hear you. How much can you read on a day jam-packed with obligations? And we get it, but there are always short stories. Take a break and visit one of these sites to inject your day with a new story: The New Yorker, YARN, a speculative fiction roundup, Daily Science Fiction, or Nightmare Magazine, if you’re feeling like horror.


Your Evening Adventure

This is when the real magic has to happen. Remember, Leap Day’s about stepping out of the ordinary, so plan an evening activity beyond the dinner date, bar, or movie. This might be the night to try urban exploring, or Escape the Room, if there’s one in your city. Or maybe kick it old school by doing something you enjoyed as a kid, like laser tag or skating. 

Eve Legato

Eve Legato enjoys gifs, trashy reality TV, literary fangirling, and cheese. Follow her on twitter @evelegato.