Fiction’s Goodest Boys
[source: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Marvel Studios]
In honor of Chris Evan’s birthday, and his iconic role as Captain America, we here at Quirk Books are celebrating some of the goodest boys in fiction.
[source: To Kill a Mockingbird, Brentwood Productions]
Atticus Finch
One of the most iconic good guys on our list is none other than Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. This upstanding character has influenced countless people to become lawyers. Atticus defends the innocent in the face of racism and bigotry. His compassion and belief in justice is truly honorable.
[source: Game of Thrones, HBO]
Eddard Stark
In the Game of Thrones universe, being one of the good guys is not always easy. Case in point, Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Poor Ned lost his head trying to do the right thing. His honor and loyalty cost him his family and is the catalyst of the War of the Five Kings. This good guy is a cautionary tale of doing the right thing and paying the price.
[source: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Warner Bros]
Neville Longbottom
There is a reason that many Harry Potter fans LOVE silly ol’ Neville Longbottom. He’s kind, compassionate, and a loyal friend. Add in the tragic backstory, heroic nature, and dash of clumsiness and you have Neville. Otherwise known as the other “Boy Who Lived."
Rory Williams
Being the Doctors Companion is not an easy job. You have to fight evil aliens, travel the galaxy, and try not to die (which happens a lot). Rory does all these things in spades (including dying) and with much candor. He manages to save the day and his wife Amy on several occasions, all while being his sweet sarcastic self. #GoTeamRory
[sourced: Captain America: The First Avenger, Marvel Studios]
Captain America
Last but not least is the Gary Stu himself, Captain America. A symbol of freedom and hope, Captain America is the epitome of being a goodest boy. The man fights Nazis for heaven’s sake! Not only is he the First Avenger, but he’s also the leader of the Avenger team. He's superhero whose main ability is trying to prevent conflict, rather than engage it. Captain America we salute you!

Sandra Woolf
Sandra Woolf lives in the PNW where she haunts bookshops and library sales. Freelancer by day, horror movie lover by night. Writing inquires can go to what lovely books at gmail or just to ask her how her hairy is so bouncy.