Dear Sister: Letters from Sisters in Literature

Posted by Jamie Canaves

The first Sunday in August is Sisters’ Day, which like anything involving family can go many ways. We're celebrating with literature, because, of course. Read up on our favorite literary sisters and their imagined letters, notes, and messages—from dip pens to drunk emailing! 


We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson

It appears Merrycat has taken to entertaining herself—and possibly slightly harassing her sister—by leaving hidden notes around the house for Constance. At least she isn’t leaving sugar packets. 

Today’s hidden note: “If I were a werewolf living in the clouds you would be?” We do hope Constance leaves a reply!


Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Amy March sends her sisters a brief letter and painting from her trip to Europe. She may have left out that she had company in Valrosa. And yes, this letter was mailed before the part that forced Joey Tribbiani to put the Little Women book in the freezer.


Sweet Valley High by Francine Pascal

Unable to sleep (and having drank a few glasses of wine), Elizabeth Wakefield decides to email her twin Jessica. We think the Wakefield twins should write a memoir because we really really want to read it. We’re especially interested in how Elizabeth just always forgives Jessica.



Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary

Ramona is all grown up and apparently part of adulting is writing her big sister a letter before leaving for college. Here’s hoping Ramona keeps writing from school because we want to hear all about her college experiences. At the very least, we want to know what books she’s checking out from the library. We imagine she’s a Rory Gilmore level reader, which makes us swoon.


Who are your favorite literary sisters? Tell on Twitter @quirkbooks!