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Lesser Known Kingdom Hearts Worlds

Photo by Florenz Mendoza from Pexels

This week sees the release of Kingdom Hearts 3 the latest chapter in the often-confusing but delightfully-screwball video game series. Throughout the series, main characters Sora, Riku and Kairi (as well as their various doppelgangers, alternate timeline versions, and body-swapped identies) traverse in through various popular Disney properties. Kingdom Hearts 3—which, it should be noted, is the eleventh game in the series, which may seem odd, but this is a game where Mickey Mouse literally journeyed to hell in the previous installment, so all bets are off—has levels based on Winnie the Pooh, Frozen and Toy Story. But what if this game took inspiration from the less-fondly remembered movies from the Disney vaults? What might that look like?

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Gritty on Book Covers

Listen, we're from Philly, and we are very proud of our new official mascot for the Philadelphia Flyers NHL team, Gritty. He is perfect. Maybe you never noticed, but Gritty has made appearances on quite a few book covers. Don't believe us? Look again.

Posted by Molly Murphy

Which Author’s Handwriting Most Resembles Your Own?

Photo by John-Mark Smith from Pexels

Handwriting is fast becoming a lost art. As technology becomes more and more advanced and accessible, people simply don’t write things by hand as often anymore. Everything goes on laptops, tablets, and smart phones (and with voice-to-text technology, we don’t even have to type half the time!). However, there are still some people who love the feel of putting pen to paper…and writers are definitely top of that list! Whether it is jotting down notes, plotting your novel, or *gulp* actually writing a book by hand, authors love to write, and we bet we can tell a lot about them by their handwriting.

Can you tell something about yourself from these famous authors’ handwriting, based on whose is most similar to your own?

Posted by Rose Moore

Exclusive! World Record Egg Moonlights as Book Cover Model

Photo by Monserrat Soldú from Pexels

Celebrities from Amanda Seyfried to Matt Bomer have started their careers on the covers of books, but did you know that the greatest celebrity of all time was also a book cover model? Yes, that’s right. The world-record-breaking Instagram Egg also had humble beginnings modeling for books, and we’ve rounded up some of our favorite moments from The Egg’s illustrious career.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Marie Kondo: How Bookworms Can Make the KonMari Method Work

Image by danuta niemiec from Pixabay

For the new year, Netflix blessed us with the charming new series Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, a reality show based on the KonMari method and hosted by Marie Kondo herself, that sees clutter-hoarders transform their spaces (and themselves) by clearing everything out. The series may have a simple premise, but it’s been winning hearts with its sweet approach to tidying, including greeting the home and focusing on joy. However, one aspect that has been bringing bookworms more anxiety than joy is the idea of clearing out their bookshelves — because bookworms are hoarders, and there is little more satisfying than gazing out on a wall of neatly stacked shelves. It’s enough to make any reader feel all warm and fuzzy inside…but Marie Kondo believes that at least some of these have to go.

Of course, she’s not a book-hater. The simple fact that Kondo devotes an entire section of her method to books (and only one to a combo of kitchen, bathroom, garage, and miscellaneous) shows that she has real respect for the bookworms among us and how daunting the idea of clearing out a bookcase can be. However, we’ve got some ways for you to understand some of her more controversial opinions, clear the shelves and still feel good about it.

Posted by Rose Moore

Tips from Manfried: How to Dress Up Your Man

It's National Dress Up Your Pet Day, and we couldn't be more excited about all the adorable costumes gracing our social media feeds. If you're like us, you know dressing up your pet can be the cutest, funniest, and most precious thing in this world. But what about in another world, like the one where Steve Catson and his pet man Manfried live? In Manfried the Man, the roles of cats and humans are reversed, putting humanoid felines in charge of tiny, dim-witted little man-pets. In honor of Dress Up Your Pet Day, we're giving a how-to lesson on dressing up your man.

Have you read Manfried the Man? Read it before the second book, Manfried Saves the Day, hits bookshelves this May.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff