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Be prepared for the worst!

Charles Dickens’ enduring line “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” could apply to the best-selling Worst-Case Scenario® series, which has advised millions of people how to survive life’s sudden turns for the worse.

For more than ten years, readers have been entertained and informed by these well-researched solutions to the worst-case scenarios of life—from how to escape from quicksand to how to fend off a shark, and from how to deal with a nightmare boss to how to escape from a bad date. With over 10 million books sold worldwide, it’s clear that the desire to be prepared is universal.

Welcome to the Worst-Case Scenario community! Author Dave Borgenicht and the Worst-Case team are here to help prepare you, and you, and you(!) out there in webland for anything. Need to land a plane? Fending off a shark attack? Graduating and facing “what next?!”? We’re here, for you.


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