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The Top Five Best Hangover Sandwiches

Number 3: The Elvis

The next time you have a hangover (and you know there will be a next time), skip the aspirin, the coffee, and the Bloody Marys, and eat a salty bacon sandwich instead.

According to Elin Roberts of Newcastle University’s Center for Life, eating increases your metabolism which helps alleviate hangover symptoms. Roberts says sandwiches, specifically bacon ones, are perfect hangover food since “the bread is high in carbohydrates and bacon is full of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. Your body needs these amino acids, so eating them will make you feel good.”

So before you go out Friday night, make sure you’ve got some bacon, eggs, and bread in the fridge. Then print this post, and stick it on your fridge door before you leave. Saturday morning, make one of these sandwiches. No need to thank me.

  1. BLT: bacon + lettuce + tomato + mayo on white bread
  2. Classic Breakfast Sandwich: bacon + fried eggs + Cheddar on buttered English muffin or biscuit.
  3. The Elvis: bacon + peanut butter + mashed bananas on buttered white bread. Toast until golden.
  4. Potato Chip Sandwich: bacon + peanut butter + pickles w/ potato chips on white bread.
  5. All-In-One Breakfast Sandwich: bacon + fried eggs + hash brown patty + maple syrup on buttered waffles.

Posted by Susan Russo

Earrings Crafted Out of Vintage Book Pages

Flourish & Debonair, an Etsy seller based out of Knoxville, Tennessee, gives you the option to actually wear old books, as opposed to tossing them in the attic or hocking them on Amazon.

Like these handmade paper bead earrings, crafted using a repurposed vintage science diagram of the nervous and skeletal system. You can clearly see the brain, spine, and nerves in the handcrafted spherical beads. Best use of a science book, EVER. And to top it off, they come in a handmade origami gift box. A nice touch.

Posted by Eric Smith

Art of the Mash-Up @ Brave New Worlds: Photos!

Earlier this year, we announced a contest with our friends the Bridgeman Art Library. They're the folks who give us the awesome artwork for our Quirk Classics series, which our designers then redesign. You can check out some before and after shots of Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, Sense & Sensibility & Sea Monsters, Dreadfully Ever After, and Dawn of the Dreadfuls on Bridgeman's official website, here.

The winners of the Art of the Mash-Up competition had their works framed and displayed in Brave New Worlds, a comic book shop right near our office in Old City Philadelphia that maintains an awesome art gallery. Despite the chilly and rainy weather, the exhibit's opening night had plenty of folks stopping in to scope out the mashed up art… as well as drink our wine, eat our pizza, and snatch up free posters. One of the winners even drove all the way up from St. Louis to see his runner up on display in the gallery

Unfortunately, my camera battery died about 5 minutes into the event… but I did manage to grab a bunch of photos with my iPhone. Have a look at the Flickr gallery below (if you don't have Flash, just go here). Thanks to everyone who stopped by, and a huge thank you to Quirk's Melissa Jacobson, for letting us use her expertise in hanging artwork.


Posted by Eric Smith

Now Panic and Freak Out

One of my employees has a hilarious poster in her office that reads “NOW PANIC AND FREAK OUT.” (From the Philadelphia-based design studio, Print Liberation.) I thought of the poster last week when I did just that, and for not a very good reason-I freaked out because my kids and I were late for school. It was a bad parenting moment. But we all have those.

You see, my daughter has discovered the joys of “doing her hair,” something she had no interest in last year. It was time for us to head out the door, but her hair “just isn’t right,” she informed me as she tromped back upstairs to the bathroom to fix it.

“We’re going to be late,” I told her. She just stopped and glared, then headed upstairs nevertheless. “Soph,” I said, “watch it.” This, of course, made matters worse, as it sent her not to the bathroom to fix her hair, but to her room, crying.


Posted by David Borgenicht

Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After, the Book Trailer!

It’s the moment a lot of you have been waiting for! Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After hit stores on Tuesday, and we’ve got a stellar book trailer to go along with launch.

Produced by our talented friends Dirty Robber (who created the stunning Dawn of the Dreadfuls trailer), the trailer is packed full of zombies, intrigue, ninjas, and one seriously epic high-flying kick.

Give it a watch! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do. I’ve embedded it below, but I recommend scoping it out directly on YouTube. Enjoy!

Posted by Eric Smith

Contest: Win a Dreadfully Cute Antidote Necklace

Tomorrow’s the big day. Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After hits bookstores everywhere, and we are psyched at the Quirk HQ. If you’re like me, you live in constant fear of the inevitable zombie apocalypse.

Your apartment is stocked with non-perishable goods, you scope out optimum “last stand” locations, you have a detailed escape route… all that good stuff. But do you have a plan if you get bitten? Where would you go? How would you treat yourself?

Chances are, if you’re an optimist, you’ll hope for some sort of cure. And we’ve (sort of) got one for you. It won’t save you, but at least you’ll look stylish and prepared.

We’ve got eight of these cute, bright red antidote necklaces up for grabs. All you have to do is give our Pride & Prejudice & Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After Facebook page a ‘like’ for a chance to win one. I’ll select eight of you at random come the end of April.


Posted by Eric Smith