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Quirk Heads to BEA 2011!

Ah, Book Expo America. Three days, tons of publishers, hundreds of authors and a whole lot of swag. As I type this post, Quirk is busy setting up our booth. We're at booth #4428, right near our BFFs Random House.
Over the course of the next few days, a majority of the Quirk team will be meeting and greeting eager fans and potential partners at our booth. Stop by anytime on Tuesday or Wednesday to meet some of our editors, dish out your book blog's business cards to the marketing & publicity crew, get sage bits of wisdom from our sales folks, or hand out your design portfolio to our art team. Someone from each department will be there. I'll also be attending the Book Blogger Convention on Friday. Say hi, let's be friends.

Posted by Eric Smith

Night of the Living Bread?

Great. I already spend way more money than I should on t-shirt websites like Threadless, Teefury, Ript Apparel and Woot's daily t-shirt deal site. Now I've got Seventh Ink to add to that list, thanks to this hilarious Night of the Living Bread t-shirt

"Look out, legions of Zombie Bread are walking the earth! They seek Graaaaains and no toaster or butter knife can stop them. Tagless and printed on American Apparel."

Yup, sold. Learn more about the clothing line, here.

Night of the Living Bread [Seventh Ink]

Posted by Eric Smith

Jack Sparrow by The Lonely Island: Top Ten Animated Gifs of Michael Bolton

When Melissa brought this video to my attention the other day… there might have been tears from all the laughter. Despite Andy Samberg and his crew’s extreme disapproval in the video, there is no denying that Bolton’s hook was, indeed, as “big and sexy” as he promised. I found myself whistling it on the way to work, out at lunch, while writing pitch emails, etc. I just can’t get away from it. Hell, I can’t get enough of it. So, like any good blogger, I went to the Internet to get even more.


Warning: Kinda NSFW, Put On Headphones


And behold, Tumblr had exploded with animated Michael Bolton .gifs, showing the legendary musician at his comedic best.

To celebrate the video the entire Quirk office has come to love, I’ve posted my top ten animated .gifs from all wakes of the Tumblrsphere. If you think you can make one that’s better, email me ([email protected]) your .gifs! I’ll repost my three favorites and send the creators a copy of the Captain Jack Sparrow Handbook… which I seriously need to get into Bolton’s hands. There has to be a way.

“Rollin’ up…” via KatieB1013

Posted by Eric Smith

How to Make Your Own Superhero Lollipops

I love stopping by Robin Klinger’s desk. Sure, most of the time she’s busy handling subsidiary rights and selling our books to folks overseas. But when she isn’t swamped with that sort of thing, she’s taking strolls to Old City Coffee, planning her next epic vacation, and, perhaps most importantly, filling up the candy jars that sit in our lobby.

The candy jars, which range in appearance from a saxophone playing M&M to a magic yellow school bus, are almost always packed to the brim with Tootsie Pops. And now, thanks to Zakkalife, we can decorate the hell out of them, superhero style. Check out those capes and masks!

Thanks for the link, Alicia!

Superhero Lollipop Templates @ Zakkalife


Posted by Eric Smith

The Meowmorphosis Book Trailer

We teamed up with our good friend Justin Lutsky over at Epic Image Entertainment for another fantastic book trailer. You might remember Justin from such book trailers as Night of the Living Trekkies. Watch as he brings poor Gregor Samsa to life.

 The video has already found its way to Entertainment Weekly, I Can Haz Cheezburger, Neatorama, Mental Floss, Galley Cat, NY Mag, and Geeks of Doom! Thanks to everyone who has covered it, and to all of you who continue to share it.

Check it out below!

Posted by Eric Smith

The Top Five Best Hangover Sandwiches

Number 3: The Elvis

The next time you have a hangover (and you know there will be a next time), skip the aspirin, the coffee, and the Bloody Marys, and eat a salty bacon sandwich instead.

According to Elin Roberts of Newcastle University’s Center for Life, eating increases your metabolism which helps alleviate hangover symptoms. Roberts says sandwiches, specifically bacon ones, are perfect hangover food since “the bread is high in carbohydrates and bacon is full of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. Your body needs these amino acids, so eating them will make you feel good.”

So before you go out Friday night, make sure you’ve got some bacon, eggs, and bread in the fridge. Then print this post, and stick it on your fridge door before you leave. Saturday morning, make one of these sandwiches. No need to thank me.

  1. BLT: bacon + lettuce + tomato + mayo on white bread
  2. Classic Breakfast Sandwich: bacon + fried eggs + Cheddar on buttered English muffin or biscuit.
  3. The Elvis: bacon + peanut butter + mashed bananas on buttered white bread. Toast until golden.
  4. Potato Chip Sandwich: bacon + peanut butter + pickles w/ potato chips on white bread.
  5. All-In-One Breakfast Sandwich: bacon + fried eggs + hash brown patty + maple syrup on buttered waffles.

Posted by Susan Russo