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The Shat Ball 3: Trekkies Boldly Go to the Bell House in Brooklyn

Photos by Sam Garret and Donald David

It was a convocation of tribes akin— in passion, if not in scale—to Woodstock, Burning Man or the Gathering of the Juggalos. More than 100 hardcore William Shatner fans assembled at The Bell House in South Brooklyn last Thursday night for Shat Ball 3, a multimedia celebration of the legendary actor, musician, and horseman.

As DJ Brian Blackout spun “hot space jams” from the likes of David Bowie, Gorillaz, and, of course, Shatner himself, costumed Trekkies partied furiously over frothing glasses of “Romulan Ale,” “Klingon Blood Wine,” and other Star Trek-inspired drinks. It was like a scene out of Night of the Living Trekkies come to life on the banks of the Gowanus Canal.

Posted by Robert Schnakenberg

We’re Busy Crafting with Cat Hair, Thanks to Buster, Shadow & Fuzz

When I announced that we wanted fans of Quirk to send us in their cat hair, I wasn’t kidding. Crafting with Cat Hair comes out in November, and we’re getting ready, practicing our felting skills.

In fact, Katie Hatz and Margaret McGuire have been keeping themselves busy, working with a wealth of kitty fur that’s appeared in the Quirk Books mailroom.

What’s the source of all the fur? Well, Christina Yendall was the first to send in batches of cat hair from her three beloved kitties, Buster, Shadow and Fuzz.

We like to thank all the little people (and cats) whenever we can, so we’re posting photos of these lovely cats here on the blog. Christina and Co., we thank you!

Interested in sending in your cat hair? We’re still accepting submissions, and we’ll happily post your kitties on here too! Details on Jezebel.

Posted by Eric Smith

Pride & Prejudice & Dr. Who

Sure, the syncing is a bit off… but come on. This is Pride & Prejudice mixed with Dr. Who! David Tennant would totally approve of this.

Sigh. The end of this trailer is such a tease. I wish the producers of Bridget Jones’ Diary and Love Actually would make this film.

Posted by Eric Smith

The Legend of Zelda ’87: Featuring Meg Favreau!

Full of references to Say Anything, Sixteen Candles, & Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the popular Legend of Zelda '87 trailer tells us the classic story of Link and Zelda… told through the lens of an 80's teen rom-com.

In this charming critically-acclaimed tale of first love, Link (Jon Tomlinson), an eternal optimist and adventurer, seeks to capture the heart of Zelda, an unattainable high school beauty and straight-A student (Zane Bauer). He surprises just about everyone-including himself-when she returns the sentiment. But the high school's over-possessive, megalomaniacal Principal Ganondorf (Dominic Moschitti) doesn't approve and it's going to take more than just the power of love to conquer all.

Now, I've seen the trailer dozens of times. But in a recent viewing, I spotted someone I've only recently become familiar with… comedian and author of Quirk's upcoming Little Old Lady Recipes cookbook, Meg Favreau! She appears as Navi, Link's fairy companion in the Ocarina of Time.

"Hyrule is full of guys… be a hero." Way to have the best line in the entire trailer, Meg.

Legend of Zelda '87


Posted by Eric Smith

How to Make Funfetti Cupcakes with Rosewater Buttercream Frosting

If the amount a person loves sprinkles directly corresponds to how adult someone is… I miserably fail at being grown up. I pay my bills on time, I go to work every day, and I don’t eat cereal for dinner. However, give me a bowl of sprinkles and the part of me that’s still five and attracted to shiny things explodes.

It’s hard not to love the white background of cake flecked with tiny bits of color. As I folded the sprinkles or “jimmies,” I thought of what kind of frosting would go well. A simple chocolate was too easy. A little lemon clashed with the happiness that the sprinkles gave me. I rifled through my various bottles of extracts and flavors like a witch preparing a cauldron when my fingers brushed the top of a still sealed container, slightly hidden. In that moment, I realized how I could mature a cake with sprinkles in it—rosewater.

This combination of cake and frosting prevents the rose from overpowering and brings out the delicate flavors of the vanilla cake subtly flavored with lemon. Bring these cupcakes to a birthday party for young or old and be prepared for rave reviews.

Hit the jump for an explosion of sprinkle colors… as well as the recipe.

Posted by Christine Eriksen

Recycled Books & Video Games: Together at Last

Everyone here at Quirk Books knows about my crippling video game addition. There’s a reason I usually only request off on Tuesdays… because it’s New Game Day. You better believe I took two days off to play Portal 2. What? Don’t judge me. Have you seen this game?

Ahem. But I digress.

I recently stumbled upon dPad, an awesome Etsy shop that features video game inspired art crafted using upcycled books. Like this adorable 8-bit mushroom from Super Mario Bros., or this brilliant (but long since sold) vintage style Duck Hunt painting. I’ve posted a few more after the jump, have a look!

Posted by Eric Smith