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Send Us Your Cat Hair for a Top Secret Crafting with Cat Hair Project!

Yes, you read that subject right.

Back in March, Margaret McGuire and Katie Hatz asked the Internet’s cat lovers to send them their cat hair for their Crafting with Cat Hair in-house projects. The entire Quirk office was shocked by the amount of fur that rolled in. We even featured three adorable donors, Buster, Shadow and Fuzz, here on the Quirk blog.

Well, Summer is wrapping up and our supplies of cat hair are running low. So we need you, Quirk fans, to once again brush your feline friends and send us your cat hair. We’re specifically looking for more white cat hair. See the sleepy kitten pictured above? Use him as a reference point. Or just look at him. Because he’s omgsocutesquee!


Note, that this batch of cat hair is for a TOP SECRET Crafting with Cat Hair project. The first three people to send us their cat hair will get a free advance copy of the craftbook, as well as a copy of The Meowmorphosis (for obvious reasons). Send your packets to…

Quirk Books
c/o Margaret & Katie
215 Church Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Questions? Email me at eric[at]quirkbooks.com. Thanks!

Posted by Eric Smith

Doom Dad: Are Toy Guns Just For Fun?

I admit it. I grew up playing “guns” with my friends. And, honestly, I loved it! We would run around in our neighborhoods for hours having epic battles of cops and robbers. We each had our favorite toy gun. Mine was the mini-pistol that could be concealed in my tube sock. That baby was perfect for any prison escape I attempted (prison was behind the air conditioner – I often played the robber role!).

This video brought me back. Here we see a playful dad waking up his son with a squirt gun, singing the theme to Doom. Everything is done with total fun in mind. The kid is laughing and giggling throughout!

The topic of toy guns is a controversial one in parenting, especially when it comes to boys – who traditionally show the most interest. My slant is keep things playful. Remember just like in roughhousing, toy guns can go too far (i.e. if they are used to hit one another or if they are facilitating aggressive or violent behavior instead of playful fun). Most often kids know just how far to take their battles and it’s rare that adults need to step in. I also don’t know of any data that shows a casual relationship between toy guns and violence later in life.

Overall, I think if your kid wants to have a good game of cops and robbers or a classic squirt gun battle, my two cents would be let it ride.

Posted by Anthony T. DeBenedet

Today in Epic Wants: Vintage Typewriter Lampshade w/ Custom Quotes

My office at the Quirk HQ tends to get rather dungeon-esque (not to be confused with dungeness, which are delicious), what with the fact that it is largely lit by the natural light pouring down from the ceiling. Alas, my current desk lamp is not nearly as cool as this custom lamp, crafted with care by Etsy seller Czechpub.

When the lamp is turned off during the day, there’s a lovely original black and white photograph printed on the front, a picture taken by Monica (Czechpub) in a little town outside of Oregon. But when the lamp is turned on, a secret message pops up on the typewriter’s paper… and you can customize the message! Awesome!

Posted by Eric Smith

Celebrating More Herbs Less Salt Day w/ Naturally Flavored Easy Pizza

Yesterday was More Herbs Less Salt Day and it made me run to the pantry and clear the shelves of anything with high sodium content. I was resolved to use more herbs and natural ingredients to flavor the foods I made that day. So with rosemary, thyme, garlic, fresh tomatoes, cheeses and produce in-hand, I whipped up with delightfully easy pizza.

In fact, I made so much, I ended up inviting friends over for an impromptu pizza gathering.

Posted by Elizabeth Ann Quirino

We’re Thrilled to Announce the Untitled Sequel to Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

That's right. You heard me.

Last week, we issued a press release announcing the sequel to Ransom Riggs' best-selling young-adult novel, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children.

The sequel comes out in the Spring of 2013, and we're psyched to see Jacob's story continue. Ransom has already started pooling together photography. In fact, he's already collected more than a thousand images.

Thanks for making Miss Peregrine a New York Times Best-Seller (for nine weeks running!). Check out the full press release after the jump.

Posted by Eric Smith

Ten Things Winnie the Pooh Taught Me About Life

This past Sunday marked an important birthday for one of the most beloved characters in the history of children’s literature. Winnie the Pooh. And although he didn’t appear in print until 1926, the actual stuffed animal that inspired the Winnie the Pooh stories is 90 years old. People sent the real Winnie the Pooh a birthday card via the New York Public Library. I’ll be honest: I was a little disappointed that I was too old to send a card. I am firm in my belief that Winnie the Pooh is such a lasting character because he can’t be fully appreciated until you’ve grown up. Only then can you realize all the life lessons the silly old bear has given you.

1. Positive Thinking. “However,” he said, brightening up a little, “we haven’t had an earthquake lately.” (The House at Pooh Corner, p. 11) Although Eeyore is generally known as the gloomy one, even he can look on the bright side occasionally.

2. Empathy. “What about me?” said Pooh sadly. “I suppose I shan’t be useful?” “Never mind, Pooh,” said Piglet comfortingly. “Another time, perhaps.” (Winnie the Pooh, p. 95) Piglet, being a Very Small Animal, acutely understands what it is like to feel useless.

3. Gratitude. But Eeyore wasn’t listening. He was taking the balloon out, and putting it back again, as happy as could be… (Winnie the Pooh, p. 89) It doesn’t matter to Eeyore that Piglet meant to give him an inflated balloon and Pooh meant to give him a pot of honey for his birthday and what he got was a popped balloon and an empty pot. He enjoys his gifts because his friends thought to give them to him.

4. Creative Problem Solving. In the very first story of the very first book we learn about Pooh’s Passion for Honey. (We also learn that capitalizing words in the middle of the sentence makes them serve two purposes; to stand out as a Very Important Idea and to define A. A. Milne’s Narrative Voice.) In Pooh’s quest for honey, the bees have become suspicious of him, and thus he needs a new plan that will allow him to fly under the radar and stealthily take the honey. He decides on attaching himself to a balloon. But a blue balloon or a green balloon?

He explains the benefit of each to Christopher Robin: “When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is not to let the bees know you’re coming. Now, if you have a green balloon, they might think you were only part of the tree and not notice you, and if you have a blue balloon, they might think you were only part of the sky and not notice you.” (Winnie The Pooh, p. 13)

Posted by Elizabeth Browne