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Books We’d Love to See at Rose Apothecary
Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels
It’s the final season of Schitt’s Creek and we’re feeling very peculiar about it. One minute we’re sad to see David and Patrick and everyone else leave us forever, the next we’re telling everyone we know that we’re happy the show is ending on its own terms. What? You haven’t had a thirty-minute conversation with your favorite barista about the many wigs of Moira Rose? And why not? So today, as we both celebrate and hold vigil for our favorite show on television, we’re exploring the five books we’d love to see in Rose Apothecary before the end of the season.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Pantone Blue Book Covers
When Pantone announced that the 2020 Color of the Year would be classic blue, a dusky almost-navy filled with anticipation and clear days that slowly turn to night, our first thought was “Hey, that looks familiar.” Because it was the same color as so many of our favorite books. Today, we’re diving into that deep blue – and how the hue impacts our reading experience every single time.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Catch Up on the Classics
Photo from MorningbirdPhoto on Pixabay.
Prices subject to change.
Catch up on the classics with these fresh spins on some of the world's favorite tales, discounted and in e-book format for you to enjoy while you're at home!
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
YA & Adult Audiobooks
Whether you're missing the sounds of your morning commute or you're antsy from sitting around the house, these audiobooks are a helpful way to mix up your daily routine.
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
Audiobooks for Parents and Kids
Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels
Mix up your routine with your kids and try these immersive and informative audiobooks!
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
Want to read Quirk books to kids online while social distancing? Here’s how!
Hey librarians, educators, and booksellers! Do you want to read Quirk books to kids online while we’re all staying home?
During the COVID-19 outbreak, we’re committed to allowing readers to have access to books for educational and entertainment purposes. In light of school, bookstore, and library closures, Quirk Books is extending an open license to select* titles in its catalog.
*For conditions of use and a list of select Quirk titles available, see below. Let’s spread some smiles on social media.
*UPDATE: We are now extending our open license through June 30, 2022.*
Posted by Quirk Books Staff