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The Sky is Falling! Literally!
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This Friday, an asteroid is headed for earth. Seriously.
Armageddon it ain’t. Definitely not Deep Impact either. And no, we haven’t confused The Last Policeman with reality–the catastrophically ginormous Asteroid 2011GV1 that looms over Detective Hank Palace as he investigates a suspicious suicide is still pure (awesome) fiction.
But there’s still another rock out there, and it’s coming for us…kinda.
Posted by Blair Thornburgh
Dress Your Kid Like: Amy Sedaris
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If you need help trying to forget the Jerri Blank years (but why would you?), you might want grab a copy of Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People by Amy Sedaris. Even though cracking open this book of activities is like opening a door to a haunted dollhouse, there’s no denying the charm in her well, quirky outfits.
A peculiar mix between a 1960’s kindergarten teacher and an overzealous but failing Stepford wife, the retro patterns and exaggerated cuts actually make for sweet play clothes. If you’ve got a funny girl in the family, check out this DIY ensemble.
Posted by Kim-Thao Nguyen
Valentine’s Day Pencil Stamp
Inspired by Brittany’s stamped wrapping paper, I created a stamped card for Valentine’s Day!
Creating a mini heart stamp for Valentine’s Day is fun and easy! For this project you’ll need: a blank card, pencil, craft knife, and a red stamp pad.
Posted by Sarah Goldschadt
The 6 Rules of Giving Birth on Sitcoms (or Why I Would Still Be Pregnant if I Was on Murphy Brown)
Having a baby is not easy, but having a baby in a sitcom seems like a gauntlet of slap-stickery. There are so many moments primed for canned laughter timed with delightful story clichés.
Think you’re ready to head to the hospital? Here are the six guidelines from our sitcom playbook outlining how to properly deliver your precious new plot point.
Posted by Jessica S. Marquis
Life Lessons Learned From Laura Ingalls Wilder
This month we celebrate the birthday of author Laura Ingalls Wilder, an author whose books about pioneer life inspired generations of young girls.
As a young girl, I clearly recall receiving the boxed-set of the Little House books as a gift from my parents. I devoured the series within a matter of days, revisiting the series several times throughout my life. A reader at an early age, it wasn’t uncommon for me to devour a stack of books a week. Yet there was something about the Little House books that resonated within me, life lessons that remained with me throughout my teens and into my adult years.
Following are those life lessons.
Posted by Jenn Lawrence
Some of the Greatest Love Stories In Comic Books
There are so many fantastic love stories in the world that it is hard to narrow them down to the very best. Comic books are no exception.
Love stories abound in the colorful pages of some of the most well known funny books. There is constant discussion of Clark and Lois, Cyclops and Jean Grey. Spider-Man and Mary Jane, but these are not the greatest tales of love in the world of comics, they are simply the most well known.
In order to find the greatest comic book love stories, it is necessary to look in some strange places.
Posted by David Winnick