Our Blog
Book Recommendations for the Planets in Our Solar System
Maybe it’s all this social distancing, but we’ve been daydreaming about outer space a lot lately. And while we’ve spent most of this quarantine sharing book recommendations with our friends and coworkers, we’ve spent very little time coming up with book recommendations for some of the planets in our solar system. Yes, you read that right.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Book Recs for the Animal Crossing: New Horizons NPCs
[source: blog post author Gabrielle Bujak]
Over the years, the Animal Crossing franchise has brought us comfort and joy via adorable animal villagers, ridiculous word play, and rewarding activities from catching that rare coelacanth to terra-forming the perfect waterfall. The irony of Blathers’s entomophobia makes us laugh, the way Timmy and Tommy echo one another makes us aww, and the surprising drama between Redd and Tom Nook build a world we can easily immerse ourselves in.
With the current state of the world, it only makes sense that we turn to the latest Animal Crossing: New Horizons to bring us that much needed sense of control and peace of mind, and because of their ability to delight and comfort us, it’s only fair we pay it forward…with personalized book recommendations! We’ve seen them pulling out books with their down time, and it’s about time they got that right. Here’s some reads they can add to their TBR piles.
Posted by Gabrielle Bujak
Best Siblings in Comics and Graphic Novels
Image by tunechick83 from Pixabay
Having a sibling can be a great thing, a person to grow up with, a person to share experiences with, and someone to talk to about your parents. We love our siblings and wanted to celebrate life with them by giving a look at some of the best siblings in comic books and graphic novels. While they may not always get along, that doesn’t’ mean they don’t love each other on some level.
Posted by David Winnick
Recommended Books to Pack When You Travel to Star Wars Planets
Photo by Hristo Fidanov from Pexels
While the upcoming William Shakespeare’s The Merry Rise of Skywalker promises an Elizabethan journey to the worlds of Pasaana, Kef Bir, and Exegol, there are countless other planets in a galaxy far, far away. Whether you find yourself in the civilized Core Worlds or the farthest reaches of the Outer Rim, may these books be with you (as well as the Force, of course)…
Posted by Ryan Miorelli
On the Blog with Quirk Authors
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash.
Still at home and running out of things to pass the time? Scan these blog posts for content from your favorite Quirk authors. Learn how to sculpt the Cake Creeper from Bites of Terror, steal some reading material from Quirk authors' TBR shelves, and draft a new story with Quirk author writing prompts.
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
Very Best of Quirk’s Book Recs for You
Photo by John Michael Thomson on Unsplash
Has the extra quarantine time annihilated your TBR pile? Do you miss the comforting stacks of books next to your bed or your packed "Want to Read" Goodreads shelf? We're got you covered with this helpful roundup of our very best book recs.
Posted by Quirk Books Staff