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What’s with all the Orphans in Kids’ Books?

Have you ever taken a good, close look at Middle Grade fiction? And in that close look, have you noticed that most of the protagonists are orphans? Yes, some may live with grandmothers or uncles, or the main story takes place in a school far from home – but even then, the parents are noticeably absent. Dead, disappeared, out of the picture, gone.

Why is that?

Posted by Laura Crockett

Happy National Squirrel Appreciation Day!

For no apparent reason other than that someone decided to declare it as such in 2001, January 21st is National Squirrel Appreciation Day! It’s a day to think about your favorite squirrel, whether it’s the one that freezes and then scurries away as you walk by or that tries to break into your home by tearing apart your window screen. Perhaps it’s even one of these squirrels below! Whichever squirrel it is, wave hello next time you see them as you watch them scamper away.

Posted by Brian Morell

Eat More Books, Episode 15: It’s A Mystery

Posted by Rick Chillot

Seven Deadly Plants You Don’t Want Anywhere Near Your Garden

Earlier this month, people celebrated (maybe?) Houseplant Appreciation Day, and there really is a lot to appreciate. Adding plants to your home can benefit your health, improve the air you breathe, and reduce your allergies. Their presence also helps relieve stress and keep you happy.

And so, in honor of the greenery that will improve your quality of life, let’s take a minute to celebrate the frightening flora that will actively try to kill you.

Posted by Alyssa Favreau

Ka-POW! The Top 10 Punches in Comic Books

They tell ya, ‘Never hit a man with a closed fist.’ But it is, on occasion, hilarious.”
—Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The fine folks here at Quirk Books asked me compile a list of my favorite punches, which I thought was pretty open-ended—like punches I've received? Punches I've delivered? There aren't even ten items on those lists combined. I'm not really big into boxing, either, so I decided to limit myself to great punches in the realm of comic books.

Posted by Thom Dunn

How To Appreciate a Dragon

This Thursday is Dragon Appreciation Day. No seriously, it is. Our country has designated an entire day just to contemplate the wonder of these magical, mythical beasts. And in case you’re caught off guard and utterly unprepared to honor these fire-breathing monsters, I’m about to give you six great books in multiple genres that will present ample time for you to be respectful and reflective on the hallowed holiday.

Posted by Diana R. Wallach