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Five Indisputable Reasons We All Need to Give In And Just Start Calling It “Valentimes Day” Already

(image via flickr)

February 14th: A day of heart-shaped chocolate boxes, naked archer babies with wings, and linguistic pedantry. Yes! Some people—no names named—live to gleefully gloat their pronunciatorial prowess any time some unfortunate, uninformed soul dares to let slip the word “Valentimes.”

To which I say: listen up, you whatever-the-February-equivalent-of-Grinches-is! You need to stop. No, not because correcting people is cruel (for Cupid’s sake, all of this holiday is cruel), but because it’s time—Valentime—for a change.

Controversial, I know. But I brought charts. Here are five rock-solid reasons we need to rename this holiday already.

Posted by Blair Thornburgh

President’s Day: Celebrating Fictional Presidents Who Saved The Day

In our darkest hours, it is comforting to know that the leaders of our country are doing everything they can to save us, whether it’s fighting off an alien invasion or trying to prevent a giant asteroid from obliterating us all. Here are some of our favorite fictional presidents who saved the day!

President Thomas J. Whitmore – Independence Day: Yes, many cities around the world were destroyed and countless lives were lost, but when it came down to it, we were fortunate that the President of the United States happened to be a decorated fighter pilot.

President Whitmore did his best at stopping the alien invasion from a cockpit, but his rousing speech before the massive assault on the motherships will never be forgotten.

President James Marshall – Air Force One: When Air Force One was hijacked by Russian terrorists, President Marshall didn’t run to protect himself. He used the emergency escape pod as a diversion, hiding on the plane so he could take it back from the bad guys, including a double-crossing Secret Service agent.

In the end, he saved his family and democracy, telling the Soviets, “GET OFF MY PLANE!”

President Tom Beck – Deep Impact: 1998 was a year that sharply divided America. Were you a fan of Deep Impact or Armageddon? You can’t like both, ok!

While Armageddon grossed more at the box office and spawned a terrible Aerosmith song, Deep Impact was more scientifically accurate and also had Morgan Freeman as President Beck, so choose your side wisely.

President David Palmer – 24: The presidents of the 24 universe faced disasters and adversity constantly, only to be helped or taken down by Jack Bauer. Out of all them, there is no president who was more respected by Bauer than David Palmer, who had to deal with threats of nuclear and biological weapons during his presidency.

President Palmer was shown to be a strong leader, but perhaps his greatest strength was putting his trust in Jack when no one else did.

Are there any presidential heroes that you love but we left off our list? Let us know in the comments!

Brian Morell is an awesome librarian from New York City. He writes about his travels and life at That Long Yellow Line and about music for The Ruckus. Follow him on Twitter @goodinthestacks.

Posted by Brian Morell

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Survive Not Getting a Valentine’s Day Card (Plus A Giveaway!)


Image via

For some of us, Valentine’s Day was a bitter disappointment. There were no hearts or flowers, not even an image of them on the front of a card. If you are not in a relationship, this is still disappointing, and you must make a note to yourself to try harder to make next Valentine’s Day more successful.

But for those in a relationship, especially if it is still relatively new, who didn’t get the slightest acknowledgment on February 14th, maybe it is time to consider if this is a sign of a bigger problem with your relationship.

If you discover this is so, here are some tips for the break-up, taken from The Worst Case Scenario Handbook: Dating and Sex, just so that you can be sure you are handling this difficult task as well as possible. Read on! There's a chance to win a copy too! 

Posted by Jade Gilmartin

Valentine’s DIY: Making Red Velvet Whoopie Pies

Feeling a little handsy—I mean handy—this Valentine’s Day? We can help!

Whether you’re trying to impress your new flame or spicing up a long-term devotion, a crafty Valentine is the way to go. But maybe you waited until the last minute (like we did with this post)! Never fear, Quirk is bringing you Three DIYs of Valentines, just under the wire.

Even in the eleventh hour, you can still whip up something sweet for your sweetie. The Red Velvet Whoopie Pies from Sprinkles: Recipes and Ideas for Rainbowlicious Desserts are a scrumptious way to show you care.

Posted by Suzanne Wallace

Beard Science: A DIY Celebration of Darwin’s Fabulous Facial Hair

Image via Topsy Turvy

Darwin’s birthday is here, and it’s time we celebrated his other great accomplishment: a truly historic beard. A secondary sex characteristic in male humans, and a secondary magnum opus, Darwin achieved a beard that outstripped the facial hair of many of his peers.

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Celebrate Darwin’s Birthday with Six Fearless Fictional Explorers

Charles Darwin—traveler, naturalist, and father of evolution—would have celebrated his 205th birthday on this day, and in honor of this most momentous occasion, let’s look at the explorers who, in their respective works of literature, braved the perils and uncertainties of new worlds, either in the pursuit of knowledge, or the avoidance of the mundane.

Posted by Alyssa Favreau