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Philadelphia Area Literary Events: June 8th – 13th

Every week there are workshops, readings, parties and other exciting literary events taking place all over Philly. For those of you planning to spend the next week holed up in a dark room reading, here are some opportunities to get out of the house and experience Philly’s diverse and lively book culture:

Posted by Stephen Piccarella


Posted by Rick Chillot

Dad Wisdom: The Paternal Teachings of Pop Culture

Dads have been giving advice longer than we’ve been receiving ties for Father’s Day.  We’ve given advice on the big screen, the small screen and the mobile screen.  We’ve given advice in books and music.  And, we’ve given advice a long time ago…and in galaxies far, far away.  The advice is sometimes comedic, often practical and always from the heart.
So, I ask you, is there a better way to celebrate Father’s Day than to recount the wit and wisdom of our favorite pop culture dads? Well, maybe a family BBQ or a quiet round of golf.  But, this will work better for the Internet.  Happy Father’s Day!
And make sure you enter the Rafflecopter below, for a chance to win one of five bundles of books! 
Brett is the author of Stuff Every Dad Should Know, Stuff Every Man Should Know and Recipes Every Man Should Know.  You can follow him on Twitter (@BaconTheBooks) and Pinterest (@88mph).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Posted by Brett Cohen

How to be Awesome at Crying During a Movie

There are a few tear-jerkers set to come out in the near future (chief among them, the cinematic debut of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars). Never fear, these simple steps will help you prepare mentally and strategically for tears and help keep your emotional outbursts as private as possible!

Posted by Margaret Dunham

Eat More Books, Episode 24: Switcheroo

Posted by Rick Chillot

Worst-Case Wednesday: How to Make Household Chores Fun

Bonus Tip: Find cute animals to help you out.

Now that the dark days of winter are gone, many people will set out to clear off some of the dark place in their homes. That’s right; we’re referring to the dreaded spring cleaning. While there are some who relish the opportunity to give their home a good scrubbing, many of us fear and loathe household chores.

But, thanks to The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, we have some very important instructions on how to survive all the tasks on your to-do list, and maybe even have some fun while you’re at it (active imagination required for most of these).

Posted by Erin McInerney