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Put Down That Smartphone: Books for Social Media Blackout Day
Hey! You! Get off the Internet! Haven't you heard? It's Social Media Blackout Day is almost here, a special occasion in which we solemnly reflect upon our lives by returning to a a simpler time of less technological advancement and find respite in the lack of constant sensory overload.
Wait, what do you mean, you haven't heard? Hasn't it been all over Tw — er, maybe you saw it on Fa — no, that's not right. I could have sworn that someone pinned it on — or did they reblog through — wait, how'd you even get here anywhere if it's supposed to be Social Media Blackout Day and you're supposed to be blacked out from Social Media?!
Logical fallacies aside, here are some great books that deal with Internet and social media. Now get off the Internets, kid!
Posted by Thom Dunn
Worst-Case Wednesday: How To Brew A Magic Potion
Image via Etsy
Do you spend most of your time on Pottermore trying to brew the perfect potion? It's a tricky business, but you know you can do it. Or maybe you're already a potion-making whiz, in which case you're ready to move beyond the computer screen and into making them in real life. If that's true, have we got the guide for you! Thanks to The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Paranormal Edition, you can now learn how to brew your own magic potion.
Posted by Basia Padlo
Worst-Case Wednesday: How To Brew A Magic Potion
Image via Etsy
Do you spend most of your time on Pottermore trying to brew the perfect potion? It's a tricky business, but you know you can do it. Or maybe you're already a potion-making whiz, in which case you're ready to move beyond the computer screen and into making them in real life. If that's true, have we got the guide for you! Thanks to The Worst-Case Scenario Handbook: Paranormal Edition, you can now learn how to brew your own magic potion.
Posted by Basia Padlo
Fun Times at New York Comic Con 2014!
And we are back!
If you follow us on Twitter (you should!) you might have noticed this weekend was full of costumes, book signings, and lots of good times. We were at New York Comic Con, and the Quirk crew had a blast.
In the video above, I've pooled together some of our favorite moments at the convention. Signings with Grady Hendrix, Sam Maggs, and Ransom Riggs. Amazing cosplayers visiting the booth. And of course, just the general awesome-ness around the convention center. Keep an eye out for Rick Chillot's incredible Horrorstor cosplay. Seriously, it was awesome.
There are also some photos below and on our Flickr page, including snaps I took of Quirk Books found at The Strand in NYC, one of my personal favorite bookstores.
See you all next year, NYCC goers! Thanks for a good time.
Posted by Eric Smith
How To Tuesday: Making Snacks Shaped Like the Fictional Characters We’re Obsessed With

Posted by Suzanne Wallace
This week, the bookish events are jubilant, edible, and (literally) steamy.
Gentle readers, what exactly do you do with this wealth of literary goodies every week? This cornucopia of ink-scented delights? If this list leads you to your new favorite local author or bookstore, let us know in the comments or @apiarymagazine on Twitter.
Tonight, Friday, October 10, there’s the marvelous Red Sofa Reading Series One Year Anniversary! featuring Patrick Rosal, Yolanda Wisher, and Chloe Martinez, at nerd central/IndyHall and followed by a dance party. Farther west, the Fuze Poetry Slam and Open Mic presents KP Brown. Get inspired by the hardest working man in Philly poetry and then get on the mic to share your own words. 8 p.m., Studio 34 Yoga on 45th and Baltimore Ave.
On Saturday, October 11 the Warrior Writers Performance/Book Release Party allows you to learn about the realities of combat and transitioning into civilian life in veterans’ own words. 8 p.m, Art Sanctuary.
Poems and banjo. It’s a small Venn diagram of people who love both of them, but if you’re in it, then OH BOY here’s the event for you: on Sunday, October 12, Jubilant Thicket presents Laura Spagnoli, Sam Hall, and Huey and the Banjo at Head House Books. 5 p.m.
On Monday, October 13, enjoy a book launch of author Bryon MacWilliams With Light Steam at the Russian Bath in Southhampton Spa, complete with steam made by a special guest bath master from Moscow. 2 to 7 p.m.
Do you have what it takes to make a tasty version of a Dr. Seuss cover? The Edible Books potluck/literary contest at the Kelly Writers House on Tuesday, October 14 asks you to make a literary-inspired dish. Deadline for dishes at 5:30 p.m., tasting at 6:00 p.m.
Posted by Lillian Dunn