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September Mysteries E-Book Deals

Prices subject to change.

Are you looking for a good old-fashion whodunit to make you laugh? Or a noir crime trilogy that asks the hard questions via an apocalyptic twist? Maybe you're not sure what you're in the mood for and want to dive into an anthology of short stories by the Mystery Writers of America. Whatever mystery genre you prefer, check out our latest e-book deals to satisfy your personal mystery craving.

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Five Movies Inspired by Real-Life Cursed Objects

The good news? It’s only a movie. The bad news? It was inspired by a real-life cursed object. And don’t think you’re safe just because you don’t watch horror movies. Cursed objects appear in every film genre—adventure, fantasy, comedy, romance, drama. From Indiana Jones to Pirates of the Caribbean, Jumanji to The Mask to Harry Potter. And while most of the time, you can lay your head down at night restful in the idea that the cursed object in that movie you watched was the fanciful notion of an undercredited screenwriter, it’s not always the case.

Posted by J. W. Ocker

Video Game Scores to Listen to While Reading

[Photo by Sound On from Pexels]

Here at Quirk we love video games with all our nerdy hearts, and since National Video Games Day is September 12th and we also love books, we thought we’d combine the two and pair some of our favorite video game soundtracks with your favorite book genres. 

Many of the following scores include tracks with more distracting sound from grand choral movements to light breathing (thank you, horror genre), so you may have to filter out some tracks for a more personalized playlist, depending on your individual tastes. But if you’re looking for some nice background music while you jump into your next adventure, romance—what have you—these soundtracks are a good place to start.

Posted by Gabrielle Bujak

Iconic Songs Meet Iconic Books

[Photo by Expect Best from Pexels]

You know that song you just can’t get out of your head? You know the one. It lives in your bones and becomes your own private DJ, scoring your day as you wash your hair and do the dishes. And sometimes it’s a good thing – a dance party in your living room, the whole nine yards. But sometimes it’s an earworm in the worst possible way. Today, we’re pairing those iconic songs with some equally iconic books – books that make us want to dance and sing along. Go ahead and let that song get stuck in your head. Because we’re ready to read through it!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Mulan and Other Princesses Behaving Badly

At long last, Mulan is finally being released in full live action glory. We have such distinct memories of the first time we saw that movie – one badass moment after another. Mulan was everything! She wasn’t technically a princess, so we didn’t feel sucked into that marry the prince mentality. And yet she still had her own hero’s journey, one that leaves so much room for discussions about gender roles and non-binary identity, especially now that we have that language.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Ranking of Villain’s Beards in Literature and Pop Culture

Photo by Kevin Mueller on Unsplash

Many a hero has inspired a man to grow a beard. There’s just something so darn heroic about a gloriously kept face-mane. The wisest of wizards in pop culture are always sporting waist-length white beards to gently stroke as they ponder the problems of the world, the dashing rogues who save the day have some too-busy-saving-the-world-to-shave stubble, and some even have intricately woven beards, or beards dyed and decorated for that extra flair.

However, for World Beard Day, we’re not looking at the beards of the heroes, but at the (often far more interesting) beards of the villains of pop culture. We’ve come a long way from the boring go-to-goatee that was the ultimate villain look for so long. Check out these incredible beards for every bad guy.

Posted by Rose Moore