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How-To Tuesday: Crafting DIY Book-Inspired Cards
It's Letter Writing Week! There’s something oddly satisfying about getting handwritten notes and letters that electronic mail just can’t convey. Don’t get me wrong, I, like most people my age, like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Gmail and the ilk but there are times where the virtual emojis and letters just don’t cut it.
The weight of the paper, the way people write their letters and even the stamps that people choose all tell stories. What better way to tell a story than create book-inspired cards? They’re conversation starters and a great way to connect with people.
Posted by Jessica Yang
Daily Kindle Deals: Quirky Business Edition
Business folk! Looking for a book that’ll aid your endeavors as an entrepreneur? Today only, you can get The Kickstarter Handbook: Real-Life Success Stories of Artists Inventors and Entrepreneurs by Don Steinberg for just $3.99.
And How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying by Carol Leifer is also $3.99.
Posted by Christina Schillaci
Letter Writing Week: How to Write a Letter, from the Jane Austen Handbook
We've spent all week celebrating National Letter Writing Week, with plenty of posts from crafting to book roundups. But what about actually writing a letter?
Well, we've got this excerpt from Jane Austen Handbook on letter writing, plus a fancy giveaway! So read on, and learn how to write and prepare a proper, Jane Austen era note. Enjoy!
Posted by Eric Smith
Bookish Events in New York City: January 12th – 16th
It looks like another amazing week for bookish events in New York City. Usually, I try to limit myself to recommending two options a day, but this week I just couldn’t control myself. Get your teleportation and cloning devices ready, otherwise you will have to make some difficult decisions.
Posted by Jennifer Morell
My Least Anticipated Reads of 2015
Wow, this book is…what's the opposite of riveting? Poorly-welded? (image via)
It’s a new year, which means readers everywhere are rejoicing: parties in the streets, ticker tape parades, bacchanals of bookishness about the fantastic new novels and nonfiction we finally get to get our sticky mitts on and read, read, read.
Which, great. Make all the lists you want. But you know what I’m really NOT looking forward to? All the stuff I’ll have to read, or read in desperation, or read in order to fulfill the prerogative of a needlessly complicated blackmail scheme. Here, therefore, are my LEAST anticipated reads of 2015.
Posted by Blair Thornburgh
The Perfect Book for Your Failed New Year’s Resolution
New Year’s has come and gone, with the requisite silly hats, warm champagne, and half-hearted midnight well wishes. You promised yourself 2015 would be different, that you’d stick to your resolutions, but real life picked back up and, well, things fell by the wayside. All your good intentions got buried in the daily shuffle, but hey, it happens. There’s no need to feel guilty about it, and here at Quirk we’ve prepared a reading list especially for you, to make you feel better about your—understandable—lack of follow through.
Posted by Alyssa Favreau