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Halloween Candy and Book Pairings

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels

Well, it seems that it is that time of year again. Spooky things are in the world and candy abounds. Go to any grocery store and there will be massive bags of supposedly fun-sized candy (although everyone knows that truly fun-sized candy is a full-sized piece) for handing out to the trick-or treaters who may or may not be coming this year. With sweets piling up in homes all over, the question then becomes, what is the best way to consume all of that sticky goodness? To keep that Halloween feeling going leading up to and well after the holiday, here is a look at some perfect pairings of horror novels and candy pieces.

Posted by David Winnick

Elf Self Care Tips Inspired by Buddy the Elf

We’re coming up on a holiday season that will probably not look like any we’ve seen before. So who better to ask for help than someone who doesn’t look like any elf we’ve seen before? To help us get ready to fuel Santa’s sleigh with the spirit of the season, let’s look to Buddy the Elf for some “elf-care tips!”

Posted by Ryan Miorelli

Quirk Books Horror to Get You Pumped for Halloween

Header image from Pexels

Halloween is going to look a little (um, okay, a lot) different this year. But there’s one tradition that still social distancing friendly, and looks great in a mask: reading scary novels during the entire month of October. Over the years, horror has become somewhat of a Quirk Books specialty. And we’re thrilled to fill your calendar with fright after delicious fright from now until Halloween!

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Our Noodle-iest Book Recs

Yesterday was National Noodle Day and we’re planning to noodle around over here all week long at Quirk Books HQ. In fact, that we had a hard time choosing just one of our noodle-friendly books to feature for this delightfully ridiculous – and incredibly delicious – holiday. So, without further ado, our all-time favorite noodle-y book recommendations – paired with our all-time favorite noodles.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Sweet as Cinnamon Fictional Characters

Photo by Lucie Liz from Pexels

What's better than a cinnamon roll? While we could go on and on about how much we love this sticky sweet dessert, we’d much rather talk about the other cinnamon rolls in our lives – the ones that are too good for this world, too pure. Yes, we’re talking about fictional characters. The very sweetest ones.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Halloween Kids E-Book Deals

Prices subject to change.

Halloween's sneaking up, and to get into the candy-corn munching, dry-leaf-crunching mood, we've discounted some of our favorite spooky reads for those young readers in your life. Give these eerie and inviting stories a spin! 

Posted by Quirk Books Staff