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The Best (And Worst) Chick Lit Movie Adaptations
Ahh, chick lit. For some, it’s a dirty word, for others, a guilty pleasure. I most definitely fall into that latter category, and I’m betting that most do (at least in the privacy of their own homes), if only judging by the sheer numbers turned into chick flicks.
However, chick lit isn't easy to translate from page to the screen. In the right hands, books get amazing adaptations to make even the pickiest reader smile, and in the wrong ones… well, quirky girls become caricatures, with none of the self-discovery and soul that made for perfect bubble bath reading. Never fear: if you're in the mood for a little light watching, here are the best, brightest, and sassiest film adaptations, as well as one or two better left to the bargain bin!
Posted by Rose Moore
5 Geeky Bike Accessories to Flaunt Your Fandom
Image via Neatorama.com
Here at Quirk, we know a thing or two about being geeks. So in honor of National Bike Month, we’ve gathered up the coolest bike accessories with major nerd points. Whether you’re riding for business or pleasure, these awesome accoutrements will make you feel like a superhero just for dusting off the ‘cycle.
Posted by Hannah Frank
Bibulate Like A Bibliophile: Book Pairings for Your Favorite Wines
For those of you who haven’t experienced the pleasure of wine and books, wine is the perfect accessory to your reading time. Not only do you look classy, you get a good buzz going while the worlds you read come to life before your eyes. If you don’t believe me, just try it the next time you get ready to unwind with a good book.
Now the question is: which wine goes with which book? Or vice versa? To give you an idea of merging flavors with genre/tone/style, here is a list of some excellent books and the wines that would pair beautifully with them. Commençons!
Posted by Tara Sim
Twelve Totally Awesome ’80s Movies Based On Books
The ‘80s: Jake Ryan, Aqua Net bangs, Trapper Keepers, where babysitters went on adventures, Goonies never said die, and Sweet Valley High made us wish we had a twin. *Wipes nostalgic tear.*
Until I can find Doc and a time traveling DeLorean I visit the ‘80s like everyone else, via movies. But did you know lots of your favorite ‘80s movies were adapted from books? Whether the book is better than the movie (nearly always the case) it is, at the very least, partially different and contains more information. So here are 12 totally awesome ‘80s movies adapted or inspired from books you’ll probably want to read.
Posted by Jamie Canaves
How-To Tuesday: Commit Random Acts of Bookishness With Our Printable Notes!
Ways to express your love for a book: shout it from the rooftops; put it in a song; hold up the line while you list the books the cashier needs to read—Or you can participate in a random act of bookishness! Because who wouldn’t love to find a little book note stowed away in a book they’re reading? The answer is no one. No one.
Posted by Jamie Canaves
The Fangirl’s Guide to Professional Fangirling: The Extended Edition
For The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy, I wanted to speak the awesomest geeky gals in the biz, all about how their experience as a fan has influenced and shaped their lives. Unfortunately, due to a tight page count and a super-mean editor (just kidding, love you Blair! <3), we could only fit a few interviews into the final book. But there was so much goodness left over that I just had to share their geek girl wisdom with the world.
Posted by Sam Maggs