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Calling All Dads! Get Your Dad in a Quirk Book!
Is your dad the coolest dad around? Or are you a cool dad yourself? Let us take your picture! Quirk is searching for some volunteer dad models in the Philadelphia area to be featured in photos for an upcoming book. We're looking for dads roughly age 50 and up who could commit to a half-day of shooting in early August. (Dads of color highly encouraged!)
Posted by Blair Thornburgh
The Geek’s Guide to Literary Magazines
Literary magazines are the gems of the bookish world, and there are tons of them. Like, TONS.
We’ve rounded up some swoon-worthy lit mags—some of which you can subscribe to, and some of which you can read online, right now, for free! Let the literary over-stimulation commence!
Posted by Christina Schillaci
Pop Sonnets Summer Jams: The Ultimate Collection
We've collected all our Shakespearean versions of summer's greatest hits and put them in one convenient spot: Right here! So take a dip in the pool or pop a cold one, and don't forget to share these with a good sir or madame who could do with a reminder to enjoy the summertime.
"Summer Girls" – LFO
"Dancing In the Street" – Martha and the Vandellas
"Summertime" – DJ Jazzy Jeff & Fresh Prince
"Margaritaville" – Jimmy Buffett
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
Camp Plot-A-Wanna: Call of Campthulu
CAMP PLOT-A-WANNA is a weekly 8-part series where Quirk Books staffers reimagine famous authors as pre-teens, stuck together at summer camp. Check out the rest of the posts here. It is also an entirely fictional place. Please don't have your parents drop you off at our offices with sleeping bags.
To: Camp Plot-a-Wanna senior counselors
From: Camp Counselor Bill Shakespeare
At last night’s weenie and marshmallow roast, camper H. Lovecraft (Underwood Cabin) suggested the group tell scary stories around the campfire. He offered to begin a story, which the other campers could then add to. Things didn’t go exactly as planned. Here’s a transcript:
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
How To Photograph Your Books for Instagram
In a world where your sunset photos have to be perfectly aligned and your food artfully arranged on quirky mismatched dishware—how do you up the Instagram ante with your book photos? Here are some tips to help you become a master of the perfect Bookstagram photo. No messy, disorganized bookshelves under this #shelfie tag.
Posted by Andrea K. Thatcher
How-To-Tuesday: Paper Towns Pocket Paper Library
Unless you’ve been living under a paper rock (sorry, not sorry) we’re sure you’ve heard that John Green’s Paper Towns has been adapted into a film.
And every Paper Town need a Paper Library of course! Now before you go Googling where to purchase a paper library we’ve got you taken care of. Here’s a printable, DIY, paper library that you can carry around with you in your pocket or purse or backpack!
Posted by Jamie Canaves