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A Delicious Potato Recipe Round-up Inspired By The Martian
Dust off those spacesuits, it’s time blast off in your own personal spaceship to see The Martian. We all know that Mark Watney is the greatest botanist on Mars. Okay, so he's also the only botanist on Mars, but does that really make it less impressive? If you’re a true Martian fan you know what Astronaut Watney is growing in his crew’s abandoned habitat (that’s Hab for those in the know): Potatoes. Kilograms and kilograms of potatoes.
To celebrate the movie’s theatrical landing, here are four delicious potato recipes guaranteed to impress your inner Astronaut Watney.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
A Playlist for The Martian’s Mark Watney
Ground control to Major Tom…
Mark Watney, protagonist of Andy Weir’s novel The Martian, is one fun and feisty astronaut. He may be stranded on a foreign planet, but he has a great attitude about it and is full of creative ideas on how to overcome his (seemingly impossible) predicament. If anyone is worthy of a playlist, it’s this guy.
Posted by Margarita Montimore
October 2015 Book Giveaways
Survive election year with Hilary Rodham Clinton Presidential Playset and Anything for a Vote.
Check out where you can request copies below. Giveaways will run until October 31st.
Posted by Julie Leung
5 Topics for the Hogwarts Debate Team
So you’re a wizard, Harry, and it’s the first day of a new school year at Hogwarts. It’s time to pick your extracurricular activities, and you’re not quite athletic enough to have made the Quidditch team. Why not go out for debate?
Posted by Kate McMurray