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Quirk Corral: Best of Links and Best of Hamilton Mash-ups
Here at Quirk we’ve spent the week scouring the internet for the best bookish, geeky, and crafty links. Whether you are looking for some inspirational quotes from literature, or a recipe for cookie butter, we’re sure to have something to make your day a little more epic.
Posted by Jennifer Morell
Bookish DIY Gifts: A Bookmark Keeper
Posted by Natasha Brandstatter
The Greatest Sleds of Literature & Pop Culture
It is the time of year when the radio is playing songs that plead for snow. And what comes with snow? Sledding, of course! Before you go pull out ol' Rosebud, it may be prudent to review the pros and cons of this traditional winter activity. Literature and pop culture are full of sleds that have carried their riders to high highs and crashing lows.
Posted by Sarah Fox
If We Could Dream Cast “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”
As fans of Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s comic book The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen know, a tale about Victorian era characters banding together to fight evil is one of the most brilliant ideas ever. Not such a great idea was the 2003 Film adaptation directed by Stephen Norrington and starring Sean Connery. The film took some wild departures from the source material and was plagued with all manner of on-set drama. Recently, Fox Studios has announced a reboot of the franchise in which Mina Harker will be the lead character instead of Alan Quatermain. Never to let a good dream cast pass us by, here's who we'd like to see fill the iconic roles this time around.
Posted by David Winnick
We Heart These #Bookstagram Photos of the Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Boxed Set
One of the most unique parts of the Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children series is how old vintage photographs and story come together to build the atmospheric world of the peculiars. So of course the brand-new Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children Boxed Set includes a special collector’s envelope of twelve peculiar photographs, in addition to the three books.
We sent some of our favorite Bookstagrammers the boxed set, and they showed us how they displayed the photographs. The results made us want to buy a vintage camera of our own.
Posted by Eve Legato
Bridget Jones’ Top Karaoke Jams
Bridget Jones is far from perfect. She smokes, she drinks (sometimes too much), she struggles with her weight, and she has a tendency to embarrass herself in social situations. But Bridget does try to better herself, and in the meantime, her flaws make this hapless Brit lovable and relatable. She’s also the perfect gal to invite to karaoke. You know she’ll probably have one too many, choose lots of fun girl-powered songs, and sing them terribly, making for a memorable night. Let’s take a closer look at Bridget’s karaoke selections.
Posted by Margarita Montimore