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Embrace Your Geekness With Sam Maggs
Today is Embrace Your Geekness Day and we're celebrating everything that makes our readers awesome.
While geekness can be broadly defined, we like to think of it as the inner overly-obsessed fangirl in all of us. And, as if the stars perfectly aligned, The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy is July's Summer Book Club selection. Tonight at 7 p.m. EST Sam Maggs will on Facebook Live, taking your questions and showing off her geek collections. Plus, we hear there will be massive giveaways—including ARCs of her new book, Wonder Women.
In the meantime, don't miss out on this awesome Flash Giveaway happening now.
Posted by Valerie Cole
Embrace Your Geekness Day
In honor of Embrace your Geekness Day, here are a few literary geeks that saved the day!
Go geeks!
Posted by Sandra Woolf
Best and Worst Fathers of Star Trek
Star Trek, like the two earliest Enterprises (the USS and the NX-01), began with a narrow focus on an elite crew of scientists and military men. These ships were more similar to a modern military vessel, spartan and only consisting of active duty officers. Yet as time went on, as the United Federation of Planets and its exploratory arm, Starfleet, continued to develop, the Enterprise broadened into a concurrent scientific ship and family home – and with this evolution, required to deal with the complications and dramas so inherent to any family home.
One of the most complicated relationships throughout Star Trek, explored throughout centuries and across the galaxies, is that of the legacies of fathers and their children. From Sarek, struggling to understand the effects of Spock’s human emotions to Jake Sisko, searching to separate his identity from that of his father while isolated on a deep space Starfleet base. Yet amongst the multitude of Starfleet officers with children, there are some particularly notable Starfleet officers, at both extreme ends of parenting. Here we have not the best and worst Starfleet officers (indeed, one of the worst fathers on this list is arguably the best Starfleet officer of all time,) but a judgement as to their personal lives. Who are the best and worst fathers in Starfleet?
Worst: James T. Kirk
Posted by Nick Beard
Remember Me
What is a person if not a conglomeration of their experiences and memories? Our life experiences completely determine our future actions and behaviors. For people who tend to be forgetful, this could be a huge problem, as they are less likely to learn and grow from the past. Since today is I forget day, we at Quirk wanted to take a look at some of the most messed up memories in all of comics. Don’t think that this list was easy to compile, most of these guys and gals we had forgotten about.
Posted by David Winnick
Bookish Wardrobe Staples Inspired by Book Covers
Okay, we know we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. That’s why we’ve assembled some awesome books worthy of your time—books that also have crazy beautiful covers just begging to inspire an outfit or accessory. We’ve done that for you in the wardrobe staples below. Fashion + books is a killer combo.
Posted by Christina Schillaci