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How Fictional Characters Spent Their New Year’s Eve
A non-comprehensive roundup of how certain fictional characters spent the final day of the year.
Posted by Lauren Thoman
Literary References of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life: Fall
[TV still from Gilmore Girls, Warner Bros. Television]
We're back with the final installment of literary references in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. After nearly a decade away from Rory Gilmore and her voracious reading habits, we were eager to catch up with the residents of Stars Hollow and the books they’ve been devouring.
Mild spoilers ahead! Haven’t finished the series? Head over to Luke’s Diner and stream the rest of the show. We hear he’s giving out his wifi password now.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
Tolkien White Oliphaunt
[Movie still from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings, New Line Cinema]
In an alternate universe where the nine members of Tolkein’s Fellowship of the Ring did not assemble for the purposes of deciding what to do with an unfathomably evil Ring of Power, and instead came together solely to partake in holiday merriment, they might have opted to participate in a White Elephant gift exchange. Or, as would be more accurate in Middle Earth, a White Oliphaunt. View their results here.
Posted by Lauren Thoman
Yoga for Book Lovers!
The new year is here, and you've probably made two resolutions: to get in shape and to read more books. So why not combine the two?
Posted by Quirk Books Staff
Bake What You Wish and None Dare Resist: DIY Smaug-Inspired Oven Mitts
It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your kitchen calculations, if you live near him.
Cakes, breads, cookies and roasts – all the things a delicious dragons hoard boasts! Embrace your inner domestic dragon with your own pair of Smaug-inspired oven mitts designed to protect your hands like tenfold shields against the fires of stove and oven.
Posted by Margaret Dunham
Holden Caulfield’s Guide to New York City
[Photo by Jonathan Riley on Unsplash]
If you really want to know about the best places to go in New York, I will tell you about them. They are the places where you will see the least amount of phonies. You know, the ones in plaid or expensive suits. I really hate those people. As much as I hate the movies.
Posted by Sarah Fox