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Geeky Activists Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Yesterday was Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which provided a chance for all of us to reflect on America’s complicated history regarding equality – and a chance for us to look to the future. But we’re not the only ones who do that. Fictional characters have always been reflections of our own journeys and struggles. These fictional activists are top-notch examples of the enduring nature of Dr. King’s example and legacy…even if their passion might be fighting for elves, a space rebellion, or genetic mutants.

Posted by Nick Beard

Bizarre Presidential Facts

Inauguration Day is this Friday, so we're bringing you a selection of weird facts from Secret Lives of the U.S. Presidents by Cormac O'Brien. Who knew our past presidents had such bizarre hobbies? (Although we do agree, Thomas Jefferson. Wearing PJs is the way to go.)

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Book Recommendations for MLK Day

(Photo by Sins S on Unsplash)

As a celebrated nonviolent resistance organizer and orator, Martin Luther King, Jr. fought against racial inequality and segregation. Images of him leading the march on Selma are enough to stop someone in their tracks and his speeches are still uttered today. To celebrate this leader of the Civil Rights Movement, we’re reading these remarkable books about racial inequality today – books that urge for a continuation of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s work.

Posted by Danielle Mohlman

Friday the 13th Literary Tattoos

On Friday the 13th, many tattoo parlors offer $13 tattoos you can pick from their flash board. If you're into American traditional tattoos and all things literary, check out these tattoos dreamed up by our design team at Quirk. And if you want a tattoo today, check out your favorite tattoo shop and choose from their unique flash boards!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

On the Spiral Staircase with David Borgenicht


Find out about our awesome staff at Quirk Books HQ with our new monthly blog series, On the Spiral Staircase!

We're showing you an inside look at Quirk Books—and more importantly, a look at the folks who help bring the books you love to life! Each month we'll ask a different staff member the same five questions so you can learn more about Quirk. There's no better place to start the series than with the man who started it all. Allons-y!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Unluckiest Fictional Characters

[Movie still from Romeo + Juliet, 20th Century Fox & Bazmark Films]

Tomorrow marks that dreaded date, Friday the 13th—a day where you may want to call in sick in order to avoid bad luck. But have no fear! Even if you accidentally trip or butt-dial an ex, your luck won’t be as bad as the luck of the characters we list below. Schadenfreude at work!

Posted by Sarah Fox