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Interview with an Asteroid

It’s World Asteroid Day, and we here at Quirk were wondering what the big deal is with asteroids. Sure, you can read about what people will do when faced with imminent asteroid impact, like in Ben H. Winter’s The Last Policeman. But what about the asteroids themselves? We were able to get an exclusive interview with Asteroid 243 Toutatis to talk about its hopes, dreams, and future.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Tips from a Bookstagrammer

If you’re an avid bibliophile, who also happens to be well-versed in social media, then you probably have heard of the subculture on Instagram called bookstagram. It’s a wonderful community of readers who share their love for books, but more specifically, share their love of taking photos for books. Here are a few tips on taking photos and navigating your way through being a #bookstagrammer.

Posted by Guest

Literary Family Feud

Family Feud has played host to a cavalcade of colorful characters. But what would the show look like if was able to have fictional characters on its stage? We find out when we pit Charles Addams' Addams Family up against Jane Austen's Dashwood clan from Sense & Sensibility!

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Feminist Fourth Of July Reads

[Photo by Morgan Sessions on Unsplash]

This Independence Day, we’re celebrating historical fiction with a female focus—a perfect match up to follow the success of Wonder Woman this summer, and to celebrate the 4th of July with fireworks and a good book. There has been plenty of historical fiction written about the American Revolution, of course. As one of the most significant events in US history, it’s not surprising that this tale has been told time and time again. In 2017, we’re shifting our focus away from the men normally pictured in Revolution literature and toward the often untold stories of the women that surrounded them. From camp followers to slaves, wives to rebels, these novels are the perfect way to celebrate a Feminist Fourth – and then enjoy the BBQs with a new perspective on what we are celebrating.

Posted by Rose Moore

Comics Edgar Wright Should Adapt

[Cover from Red Rocket 7: A Saga Do Rock, Image Comics]

We all know Edgar Wright loves comics. Beyond his delightfully kinetic adaptation of Scott Pilgrim vs the World and his Ant-Man film that will never be (though the finished flick has enough Wright-ian touches that we can get a pretty good idea of where he was going), Wright’s stylistic jump cut montages, fluid action sequences and general playfulness make him the man we most want to see bring comics to the big screen. But not just any comics. Only those with the Wright stuff.

Posted by Jadzia Axelrod

Is This Older or Younger than Harry Potter?


Posted by Stefani Sloma