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NaNoWriMo Inspo: Author’s Writing Habits
[Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash]
Alright, writers. We’re in the thick of it. We’re approaching that halfway point and things might be starting to feel overwhelming. Maybe you’re not at the word count you should be by now, or maybe you are and you’re feeling the flames burn out. Whatever your needs, it’s likely about time for a pep talk.
We searched out past NaNoWriMo Pep Talks and spoke with a couple authors to get their best advice for NaNoWriMo participants. Need a little inspiration and/or advice to keep going? We’ve got you.
Posted by Bree Crowder
How To Survive NaNoWriMo
It’s very tempting to participate in Nation Novel Writing Month. 50,000 words in 30 days? No problem! And while everyone starts with gusto, after the first handful of days, the strain of the undertaking starts to take it’s toll. But fear not! Here’s some advice from a seasoned NaNoWriMo veteran to help you get to the end of your novel!
Posted by Jadzia Axelrod
Your Pre-Thanksgiving Family Drama Reading List
[Image by Sabrina Ripke from Pixabay]
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and, for many of us, that means mentally preparing for the annual digging up of family drama. Someone’s secretly pregnant – or was. Someone illicitly adopted a baby and is unwilling to return them to their birth parents. Someone is completely bankrupt and is planning a pilgrimage to their daughter’s house. Oh wait. That’s just the families in these incredible novels. To prepare for the family drama (and ensuing headache) of the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities, here are four novel courses of families you’re thankful aren’t yours, plus a palate cleanser to get you through the rest of the holiday season.
Posted by Danielle Mohlman
10 Best Cats In Comics
When you think about cats in comics, who comes to mind? Some of the most obvious are the cats who live in classic comic strips—Garfield, with his love of lasagna and hatred of Mondays, Hobbes, the beloved stuffed tiger come to life, even the multitudes of nameless cats that pop up in comic strip after comic strip online. But the funny pages aren’t the only place to find incredible felines. Comic books and graphic novels have their fair share of four-footed characters with real depth and charm. These aren’t cats that dispense weekly soundbites or tired catchphrases, but fully developed characters who lie, fight crime, swear, and discuss the stars and their place in the universe. Some silly, some complicated—these are the ten comic book cats we love best.
Posted by Rose Moore
Different Watsons in Pop Culture
[TV still from Sherlock, BBC]
When it comes to great side kicks in literature, it’s a no brainer that Dr. Watson takes the cake. Without this perceptive gentleman, Sherlock Holmes would be at a loss. Here are our favorite Watsons in pop culture.
Posted by Sandra Woolf