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NaNoWriMo Check-In: Advice from Quirk’s Editors

Photo by Judit Peter from Pexels

If you're participating in NaNoWriMo this year, you probably have a good amount written at this point! But there's also the dreaded slump that seems to always hit before the finish line. Here's some advice from Quirk's editorial team to keep you going. Remember, you've got this!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

NaNoWriMo Check-In: Advice from Quirk’s Editors

Photo by Judit Peter from Pexels

If you're participating in NaNoWriMo this year, you probably have a good amount written at this point! But there's also the dreaded slump that seems to always hit before the finish line. Here's some advice from Quirk's editorial team to keep you going. Remember, you've got this!

Posted by Quirk Books Staff

Ghostbusters Is Back, But the Pursuit of Ghosts Never Left

It’s been thirty-seven years since the original Ghostbusters hit theaters. I was ten years old and sat in one of those theaters with a bucket of popcorn, entranced by what I saw on the screen. Ghosts, slime, a giant marshmallow stomping through New York City, and Ray Parker Jr.’s “Who You Gonna Call?” stuck in my head—this movie had it all.

Posted by Marc Hartzman

Books by Hispanic and Latino Authors to Read Based on Other Favorite Books

[Edited from image on hispanicheritagemonth.gov]

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Today marks the finale of National Hispanic Heritage Month, which means we have one last hoorah to highlight Hispanic culture, history, and accomplishments. Of course, we’re celebrating by rounding up a list of books by Hispanic and Latino authors based on a handful of other popular titles.

Hispanic Heritage Month may be coming to a close, but it’s never too late to add more books to your TBR from Hispanic and Latino authors. So give this a scroll, and keep your Goodreads open, your pen and paper close, or your library catalog ready for hold submissions!

Posted by Gabrielle Bujak

What Better Place to Read about Ghosts than These Haunted Libraries?

[Photo by Yana Kowalewicz on Unsplash]

It's finally here! We're so excited for the release of Marc Hartzman's new book, Chasing Ghosts, on sale September 28, 2021, and can't wait for readers to dive into this beautiful exploration of our country's long and obsessive history with phantoms and apparitions. Whether you prefer e-book or paperback, there are plenty of ways for you to get a copy. But if you plan on grabbing one at your local bookstore or library, then you better make sure it's not one of these haunted locations. Otherwise, you might just become the subject of Hartzman's next book…

Posted by J. B. Kish

Comics to Read Based on Your Favorite Quirk Books

[Photo by Miika Laaksonen on Unsplash]

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National Comic Book Day is this weekend, and if you’re wondering, “Didn’t that just happen?” or “Isn’t that in May?,” well, you’d be confusing this with Free Comic Book Day. Yes, that typically takes place the first Saturday in May and yes, it was cancelled in 2020 and postponed in 2021 until August 17th, but National Comic Book Day arriving so soon after the August celebration is really a blessing in disguise. It’s been a while since comic book fans could come together to celebrate the writers, artists, pencillers, colorists, letterers, and all the other amazing creators that bring our favorite comics, graphic novels, strips, and manga to life.

Whether you’re a veteran comic reader or a new fan, wondering where to begin, a tried and true way to find your next read is to bounce off of the content you already enjoy. To help you pick your next title to ask your local comic store for, here are some titles to try based on Quirk books you like.

Posted by Gabrielle Bujak