The Home Owner’s Manual

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About the Book
Quirk Owner’s Manuals have taught readers how to “repair” and “maintain” babies, toddlers, dogs, and cats. Now we’re tackling the biggest and most complicated “appliance” of all-your home!
Through step-by-step instructions and techy schematic diagrams, The Home Owner’s Manual explores hundreds of frequently asked questions: How can I drain the sludge out of my water heater? What makes my radiators “hiss” at night? Is there any easy way to unstop a toilet? How can I fill a crack in my wall? And when should I seek professional help?
You’ll also find advice on inspecting a new home, moving in, redecorating, emergency maintenance, and much more. With plenty of helpful illustrations to guide you along, The Home Owner’s Manual makes household maintenance a breeze.
DAN RAMSEY, a licensed building and home improvement contractor, has taught thousands of homeowners how to fix things through his Web site, (hosted by He lives in Willets, California.