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About the Book
This is ridiculous. You’re sitting there reading commercial copy-of all things!!-when there’s an insanely cute puppy at the top of this page, just begging to be fawned over. Look at the puppy! Look at his wet wittle nose! And his precious wittle ears. Isn’t he adorable? Don’t you want to snuggle with him? Isn’t he so cute you could die?
Inside this book you’ll find hundreds of ridiculously cute photographs. Kittens, ducklings, baby seals, grinning dolphins, hamsters with silly hats-they’re all here, and they’re all irresistible. Other publishers would be afraid to put so much cuteness in a single book. But we see that puppy and our hearts just melt. Look deep into his eyes. Now tell us you won’t give him a home.
JENNIE SUMMERS is supercute. She lives in Philadelphia.