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About the Book
Breastfeeding may be natural, but it certainly isn’t easy. That’s why Andi Silverman wrote Mama Knows Breast, a beginner’s guide that’s full of friendly, frank, and reassuring advice. Readers will discover essential information on breastfeeding techniques, baby holds, and medical conditions–but they’ll also learn the straight scoop on gnawing infants, unexpected leaks, ill-fitting clothes, and bewildered spouses. Other topics include:
* The pros–and cons–of breastfeeding
* When, where, and how to breastfeed in public
* Feeling sexy in a nursing bra
* Breastfeeding at the office
Written by a mom who has been there–and packed with anecdotes by women from a variety of backgrounds–Mama Knows Breast is a beautifully illustrated gift for new mothers everywhere.
ANDI SILVERMAN is a mom, journalist, and lawyer who spent nearly ten years as an on-air television reporter. She writes the blog www.mamaknowsbreast.com and lives with her family in New York City.