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About the Book
In today’s fast-paced workplace-where e-mails fly at lightning speed-precision and brevity are essential for good communication. But most of us just run spell check and hope for the best, because we’ve forgotten the simple grammar rules we learned in school.
In How Not to Write, Terence Denman, an instructor with the U.K.-based Plain English Campaign, sets out the top ten grammar myths and the ten grammar rules to live and work by. Readers will learn how to:
Position prepositions
Chop off unwanted auxiliaries
Root out passivity
Eliminate extraneous adjectives
Punctuate with impunity
With a breezy, wry, and accessible tone that never scolds but always enlightens, How Not to Write is an indispensable guide to clear, concise, and correct language in the workplace.
TERENCE DENMAN is a Cambridge-educated instructor with the U.K.-based Plain English Campaign, an international organization of over 6,000 members in 70 countries that fights for the use of crystal-clear language in business and government communications. (Plus, he’s British, so you know he speaks good English.)