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About the Book
Grab a handful of glitter and get your girl power on with 25 subversive and easy-to-make projects.
This is what a feminist crafter looks like! Crafting with Feminism features 25 irreverent and easy-to-make projects that celebrate everything that rocks about girls, gals, and badass women. Wear your ideology on your sleeve by creating fierce custom merit badges. Prove that the political is personal with DIY power panties. Get cozy with a handmade Huggable Uterus Body Pillow, or craft heroine finger puppets to honor great women like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Frida Kahlo, and bell hooks. Featuring tips on everything from beginner sewing stitches to building a kickin’ party playlist, and a totally empowering forward from “Queen of Geeks” Felicia Day, this book has everything you need for an awesome crafternoon.
“In this sassy craft book, pop-culture expert, crafter, writer, and feminist Burton offers more than two dozen DIY projects inspired by real and fictional feminists…. Perfection á la Martha Stewart is not the goal here. Approaching loaded issues with a light heart and sense of humor is the aim.”—Booklist
“I don't have time to tell you how much I love this book because I'm too busy crafting all my tampons into my imaginary friends. Also, I'm now out of tampons. Things are gonna get real weird if I forget to buy more.” —Jenny Lawson, author of Furiously Happy
“Crafting with Feminism reads much like Bonnie herself: fun, fierce, and forward. Reading it leaves you ready to DIY the inner bad-ass into your life.”—Hannah Hart, host of “My Drunk Kitchen”
“Crafting with Feminism not only gives you a wide variety of delightful crafts, but it also tries to leave you with some extra skills for the future! Why NOT learn to embroider while plotting the destruction of the patriarchy?!”—Kelly Sue DeConnick, comic book creator of Pretty Deadly and Bitch Planet