Brick Testament: The Story of Christmas

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About the Book
With The Brick Testament: Stories from the Book of Genesis, Brendan Smith re-imagined ten classic Bible stories using nothing but LEGO® bricks-and the results were praised by everyone from People and Entertainment Weekly to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (they’ve recommended the book to their entire congregation!). Publishers Weekly called it “hilarious” and wrote, “One rejoices that the franchise possibilities could extend for many years.”
We couldn’t agree more. Just in time for the holidays, Quirk Books is proud to present the best-known Bible story of all time: the Story of Christmas. Using verses from the New Testament and a series of elaborate LEGO® dioramas, Smith illustrates the birth of Jesus Christ-from his arrival in the manger to the wrath of King Herod and the famous visit from the three wise men. It’s the perfect stocking stuffer for anyone who celebrates Christmas!
BRENDAN POWELL SMITH is the author of The Brick Testament: Stories from the Book of Genesis and The Brick Testament: The Ten Commandments. He lives in Mountain View, California.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® group of companies, which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this book. And while we’re at it, Quirk does not sponsor, authorize, or manufacture tiny plastic bricks. So there.