Book Recs for Pet Parents
Being a pet parent isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. There’s tons of cuddling, petting and treat giving. Lots of long walks to the park or chasing the laser pointer. Actually, being a pet parent is pretty awesome! If you’re a proud pet parent, here are a few books we think you might enjoy reading, especially while you're home and spending that extra quality time with your furry BFF.
A Dog Called Kitty by Bill Wallace
A classic children’s book, A Dog Called Kitty is often overlooked by other popular books such as Where the Red Ferns Grows and Old Yeller. We think Wallace’s story about a young boy who overcomes his fear of dogs after he adopts a stray puppy is the lighter and more charming book of the three. If your best friend is your dog, this book will get you right in the feels!
The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth
Another classic children’s book we highly recommend is The Cat Who Went To Heaven (spoilers). The story is set in ancient Japan and follows a poor painter who is given a cat that is good luck. The book’s lovely illustrations and underlining moral philosophy told through animal fables will have you quite surprised at this book’s maturity.
Lily and the Octopus by Steven Rowley
If you want more of an adult pet-centric read, then check out Lily and the Octopus. Fans of The Art of Racing in the Rain and Marley & Me in particular might feel a connection of dog camaraderie. The story follows a lonely middle-aged man and his decade long relationship with his dachshund. If you’re a dog lover, this book will have you missing the days of puppyhood and going on adventures with your best friend.
The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford
Our last book pick focuses on three pets who go on an adventure all by themselves! The Incredible Journey (adapted into the beloved childhood film Homeward Bound) follows two dogs and one cat as they cross hundred of miles of Canadian wilderness to reconnect with their family. For a children’s book, this story will have even adults on the edge of their seats, frantically filing the next page to see what becomes of these beloved pets.

Sandra Woolf
Sandra Woolf lives in the PNW where she haunts bookshops and library sales. Freelancer by day, horror movie lover by night. Writing inquires can go to what lovely books at gmail or just to ask her how her hairy is so bouncy.